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Chapter 18

Thirds person's POV

Minnie and Yuqi are now settled, all they have to prove now is that they are madly in love with each other. Yuqi thought of a plan that requires them to go back to Beijing. In the other hand, Miyeon hasn't fully recovered yet, the memory that came back to her was just a gist of everything she knows. Now, Mark is trying to find the person who informed Mr. Song.

Mark's POV

When i got home from the hotel, i received a call from wonhei. It took me a while to answer the phone because i thought of something. But it would be impossible since he doesn't know Minnie.

'Hello? Why are you calling me?'

'I heard about the news, about the thai girl and yuqi'

'What about it?'

'Nothing, it's just weird.'

'Don't tell me you-

'No, i know what you're thinking. It wasn't me. Besides why would i be the one to inform them, all i care is about my own plans'

'I trust you, but do you have any idea who informed them?'

'I have no idea, i didn't even know your plans. Besides, you should be the one to know since you're a part of it.'

'I'm just doing it for Yuqi'

'You're doing it for Yuqi? Why? Are you guys even friends?'

'We aren't friends Wonhei, i'm just doing a favor since she has no one to rely on'

'Do you like Yuqi?'

'No! Why are you even bringing this up?!'

'lol, whatever... it may ruin our friendship though i don't care'

'You got a lot of nerves saying that'

'Of course, i learned from the best'

'Look, i'm gonna hang up. Got lots of work loads plus i am trying to find the mysterious person'

'Goodluck with that, just tell me when can I execute my plan. I've been waiting for years'

'Patience Wonhei, got to go bye'

So if it wasn't him then who? I'm really not sure who to trust. But i know it's either the both of them. One of them must be lying, but I don't know who.

I am so tired, today was got my emotions mixed up. I stripped of my clothes and went straight to the bathroom. I brought my phone with me cause i enjoy tunes as i take a shower.

I stopped at the mirror and looked at myself, i looked at the scar near my ribs. It was still noticeable but people don't see it that way. Whenever i go to a beach, they would stare at my abs and looks.

My mood suddenly changed when that thought popped in my head. I looked at myself once more and asked myself.
'What do i lack? There is something missing that seems to make me insecure. I am somehow contented but I cannot resist the feeling of lacking something.

I then went behind the curtain shower and took a bath. I was enjoying myself. But then my phone stopped playing music. I turned the shower of and dried myself a bit. I checked and it was Yuqi who sent me a message.

'I have a plan, but we need to go back to Beijing for it to work. I'll call you if i have settled my plans completely. And btw, I already convinced Minnie and she is willing to help me'

What is she planning now? I hope this doesn't get me in trouble, i might lose my job. Although she is considered to be my boss, it can still cause me trouble. But it's a relief that she was able to convince Minnie. Wonder how she convinced her? Did she seduced her? Drugged her? Threaten her? No, it would be impossible.

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