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Chapter 24

Miyeon's POV

Days have passed and i miss Minnie even more. I know that she's doing fine, but I couldn't help but remember the news.

There are still fragments from my memory that were still missing. These days, i tend to wake up in the middle of the night. I was experiencing migraines ever since we were kidnapped. I didn't want to report it because Minnie will get in trouble as well.

"Uhmm... Miyeon?" Lisa spoke as she opened the balcony door.

"Yes Lisa?" I said then she went beside me as we looked at the stars.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a bite." Lisa said, I didn't understand what she was saying so i gabe her a confused look.
"I mean... i was wondering if you wanted to eat with me outside the hotel. You've been in this room for too long now" Lisa said. She was worried about me. It is true, i never left this room ever since I heard the news. Men in black suits always visit me and ask questions about Minnie's wherabouts, but I don't even know where she is. All i know she is with Song Yuqi.

"I really don't feel like going outside." I simply replied.

"You will get sick if you stay in here" Lisa said worriedly.

"I'd rather be sick in here than to be criticized by the people outside that door" i said then pointed the main door of our room.

"Come on Miyeon, Christmas is near and we should be enjoying ourselves!" Lisa said then made weird gestures.

"Do you know how i feel? Do you know how it feels to know that your fiancé is with another girl?" I said, i was holding back my tears while I spoke.

"I'm sorry, but no... I don't know what it feels like to be in your situation. But i know my sister, and you know her as well. She wouldn't do such a thing Miyeon. Instead of staying here like a leashed dog, i'd rather enjoy my days than worry about problems that would just make me sad." Lisa replied, she was about to leave me alone but i grabbed her hand.

She was right, the more i think about the news, the more unfaithful i get. I should trust Minnie no matter what.

"Where are you going?" I asked then she glared at me.

"To eat alone since i know you wont join me" Lisa replied.

"I'll come with you, i just realized what you've said... you are right. " i said then she immediately went close and gave me a hug. Lisa may only be my sister-in-law but i treat her as my real sister, younger but acts like an older sister to be exact. She supports our relationship and treats me the same as she treats Minnie.

"I knew you would say yes!" Lisa said excitedly.

"I'll just wash myself for a bit... " i said.

"Okay then, i'll be waiting for you at the lobby. Be quick!" Lisa said then immediately left me alone in my room.

I went to the bathroom and stopped at the mirror to look at myself.

"Ugh.. since when did i have dark circles under my eyes" i said to myself. I really look like a tired person, who is working 24/7 in front of a computer.

"Never mind, i'll just cover it up with foundation" i said to myself once more and went to shower.

After that i went outside to get some clothes. I need to wear something that is not that revealing. I feel like people would judge me if they'd see me. I was not in the news but i'm afraid of the fact that other people might know who i am.

So i took out a Hoodie and some loose pants. I also grabbed my mask before heading out. I put light make up just to cover up the dark circles under my eyes.
Lisa won't mind if i try to hide myself, she would know why.

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