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Chapter 25

-December 25, 2019-

Yuqi's POV

It's 3 am in the morning, i woke up and Minnie was still sleeping peacefully beside me. Today is a big day for the both of us, i hope this plan would end well.

I stood up and stretched my body, i did a five minute yoga before waking Minnie up. We have to leave early because we might get stuck in traffic. We can't have further delays with the plan. It has to be today for it to look real.

I went beside Minnie and i tapped her cheeks.

"Kim Minnie, wake up. It's time to move" I said then she slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning Yuqi" she said then gave me a morning smile.

"Good morning Minnie, are you ready?" I asked her then helped her get up.

"Ready as i'll ever be i guess." She said then rubbed her eyes. It was still pretty dark.

"We can do this okay? Just stick with me and everything will turn out just fine" i said then i cupped her face.

"Okay, i'll always be by your side" Minnie said then stood up and stretched her arms.

"I'll take a shower first" i said.

"I'll make as some quick breakfast, we cannot leave without eating. We need energy!" She said then ran outside the room. She's right, we need to eat a lot, today is a very big day.

I went inside the bathroom and took a shower. I as staring at my body since i have a huge mirror in front of me. My body was very thin, i should really eat a lot. After that i went to wash my face with my special soap, i need to wear a bit make up since it's Christmas of course. It is still a special day for everyone.

When i was done washing my face, i went out side and dried myself. I can smell the food that Minnie was cooking downstairs which made my tummy rumble.

I took out some casual clothes and wore them. It was the type of clothes that I don't wear, but i have to. This will also serve as a disguise even if i'm going to wear a mask on the way to Beijing.

I applied light make up and then grabbed something from my secret locker. There is a secret storage under my bed. That is where i keep dangerous stuff that i need.

The heavy metal box under my bed was already exposed, i took a breath before unlocking it. Inside the locker was a Revolver, a silencer and a normal pistol.
I took the the pistol and check if there were bullets inside but i immediately dropped it when i heard Minnie's Voice from behind.

"Yuqi the food is- Oh My God.... Is that a real gun? I mean are those guns real this time Yuqi?" She said, she looked surprised at the same time. But yeah it's real. Beside golf, i also practiced shooting for self defense.

"Yes, why are you so shocked?" I asked her.

"Well..I just thought that you wouldn't have real guns and I didn't know that you were a killer." Minnie said then went closer to me.

"Yah! I'm not a killer okay? Who said that i was a killer! When i was a kid, my father taught me how to shoot. But it was a very long time ago" I said then tried aiming the gun at a random object.

"Yah, okay i get it. Could you put it down? I'm a bit scared you idiot!" Minnie said then held my shoulder. I can't hep but to laugh a bit cause she is still afraid despite the fact that we tried to kill each other in the first place.

"Fine fine, have you eaten yet?" I asked her then she shacked her head.

"No, i was planning on taking a bath first. But the food is already cook, you can go and eat" Minnie said then went straight to the bathroom.

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