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Chapter 26

Mark's POV

It's 7 am, i already arrived at our meeting place. I am suppose to meet the private media journalist i hired, they work for a high class company so i know that they are trust worthy.

After a few minutes, i heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw the five girls i hired. We sat on the long table, i was at the other side while they were sitting together.

"Good morning ladies. To start, i would like to introduce myself, my name is Mark Tuan the secretary of the Song company."
I said then bowed at them. They were very serious, none of them were smiling.

One of them stood up and bowed at me.
"Good Morning mr. Tuan, they call me Ryujin. We do not allow clients to know our real names." She said then looked at her co-workers.
"This is Yeji, Lia, Yuna and Chaeryeong. Our secret unit is called Itzy" Ryujin said then all of them stood up and greeted me a good morning.

"Nice to meet you all, i'm sure that one of your rules is to not have biases right? So i put all of my trust to all of you" I said, of course I want to make sure if they can really be trusted.

"You can count on us Mr. Tuan, all you need to do is tell us what to do." Yeji spoke all of the sudden. These girls are very serious about their jobs and it's kinda weird but neat at the same time.

I grabbed my bag and pulled out a folder, i handed them the folder and they opened it.

"Look at those pictures, as you can see there are two girls. The one Thai girl is Kim Minnie, the Chinese girl is Song Yuqi." I said then they stared at the pictures.

"This Thai girl is pretty, and she looks familiar. I think i saw her somewhere? The news maybe?" Lia said.

"I know them, i saw them on the news a few days ago. Although i didn't knew that Mr. Song had a daughter." Yuna said as she stare at Yuqi's Picture.

"I've seen the news you were talking about, i know that Song Yuqi was suppose to marry the son of Mr. Wong but later they found out that Song Yuqi had an affair with this Thai girl Minnie." Chaeryeong added. So it seems like they know the both of them, it would be easy for them to do their jobs.

"Ladies, please listen to me. All of the things you heard from the news are wrong." I said then they all looked confused.

"What are you trying to imply Mr. Tuan?" Lia asked.

"It is true that, Minnie and Yuqi are together right now. But they are not in a relationship. But we are trying to make the people believe that they are together. Don't ask why, it's a personal matter. Minnie is already engaged to someone and she is just lending Yuqi a hand." I said then they were all shocked. I can't believe that they react in unison.

"Then what do you want us to do then Mr. Tuan? The news already convinced many people including us so why bother hiring a secret media team?" Ryujin asked.

"Mr. Song told the media about his daughter having an affair, but he himself do not believes that her daughter can do that. So we need to convince him by spreading their pictures online. You guys are the perfect team to do so" I said then they looked at each other. Lia dropped the folder on the table, and they gossiped for a minute.

"We accept. Now we want to know a more detailed plan" Ryujin said.

We talked for 30 minutes, i explained to them everything that they need to do and the exact time as well. I instructed them to also disguise themselves but they already knew that. Good thing i hired five people for the job, they can be placed at different locations where Yuqi and Minnie will possibly go. I just hope Yuqi and Minnie would not be caught by the real media, it would be controversial and would be dangerous for the both of them.

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