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Chapter 12

Yuqi's POV


"Dad? can i go to Mich's house? She said she'll be having a party because it's her birthday." I asked my Father who was busy with his computer.

"How many times have i told you that I don't like you partying!" My dad scolded.

"Please Dad, i promise that i'll behave! My bodyguards can come with me." I said then he slammed the mouse which startled me.

"NO, YOU WILL STAY IN THIS HOUSE. NEVER TO TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS EVER AGAIN. I DON'T CARE IF SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF MR. CHO! YOU ARE GROUNDED NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM" My Dad yelled. I suddenly burst into tears as i ran towards my room. I was so sad and angry at the same time. Mich is my only best friend and i thought it's okay for me to have friends like her. We both came from a wealthy family but somehow my Dad thinks other wise. I met Mich at golf training. We were forced to because they said it's the sport of rich people.

I looked outside my window and i thought of something stupid. I imagined myself committing suicide, i can see myself hanging from a rope and slitting my arm until i was full of blood.

I was about to do it but i heard my telephone rang. I went to answer it and it was Mich.

"Yuqi where are you? The party is about to start!" She said happily, I didn't reply instead i sniffed my nose.
"Wait are you crying?? He didn't allowed you ?" Miyeon asked.

"He didn't, he also told me to not talk to you anymore" i said then i started crying again.

"It's okay to not come to my party, later i'll sneak you a cake!" Mich said then i kinda felt better and lucky to have a friend like her. From that moment on, i swore to myself that i would always be there for her.

"Thank you Mich!"
I said then i wiped my tears away.

"Anytime yoongi!"
She replied then giggled, we actually made up our nicknames because one time during our break from golf training, we played mystery games and we had to create our own nicknames.

"I cannot believe we're still using these lame nicknames!" She said.

"Me too! But we have to keep our identities! The spy might catch us!" I said then we both shared a laugh.

"I better get going, guests are already arriving. Don't be sad! I'll sneak into your room later when it gets dark okay! Goodbye yoongi!" Miyeon said before ending the call. I was enlightened that time, i was so happy. Plus i get to see her on her birthday, i just hope Father won't catch us. She still calls me yoongi, it's because it sounds like my name Yuqi.

I woke up and i felt tears rolling down my face again, i had another dream about my past but this time it happened for real. I kinda miss those days.

When i opened my eyes, i saw minnie looking at me sadly. She was sitting on the table and was observing me.

"What are you looking at?" I said then i wiped my tears.

"I just pity you, you were crying. What's the matter?" She asked then she cupped my face with her left hand. I moved it away because I don't want to talk about something personal.

"Nothing, i just dreamed about a dead dog" i lied, it seems like she wasn't satisfied but she understood me.

"I see, you better get up then it's already 5 in the afternoon. I made lunch but you didn't woke up. You want me to reheat it?" Minnie said, she's been nice to me the whole day. I'm actually glad that she's gonna help me.

"No, it's fine i'm not hungry. I'll just go outside and take a walk at the sea shore" i said then i quickly went outside.

The cold breeze welcomed me as the sand touches my feet. The sound of the waves clashing made my soul relaxed. Looking at the bright sky made me feel like i was in heaven. I closed my eyes and felt someone hugging me from behind.
I removed her hands because i was startled.

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