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Sand Village

Temari was 7 when things went horrible. Gaara was getting scarier and everyone feared Gaara. Even Temari, but she and Kankuro tried to help Gaara. He refused and threaten to kill them.

"Gaara! Let us help you! We can make friends!" Temari said.

"I don't need your help...everyone fear me. You should be scared. I could crush you with my sand." Gaara said. Temari was scared and confused. Kankuro was going to protect Temari.

"Bro. We love you. We aren't scare of you." Kankuro said. Temari was scared of Gaara but she tried to hide it. She couldn't believe her little brother would say stuff like that. Gaara wouldn't actually kill them.. Would he?

"Please... Let us help you..." Temari said. Gaara yelled and he hit them with the sand. Knocking back. He then closed his door. Temari made sure Kankuro was okay which he was. They both looked at each other with sadness. They avoided Gaara from that point.

Suddenly a loud roar was heard. The One Tailed Beast has been released.


Temari's POV

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Temari's POV

That thing was in Gaara?! Its..so scary...why my little brother?

I had fear in my eyes. I was horrified. It was going to attack Sand Village.

I then found out Gaara had killed Yashamaru.

Why..? Gaara really liked Yashamaru... That was his caretaker... he loved Gaara...why? WHY?!

It went rouge and started to destroy the village. I grabbed Kankuro and began to run away from the tailed beast.

"Sis! Wait! What about Gaara?!" Kankuro yelled.

"He's gone crazy! He murdered someone!" I yelled.

"Gaara wouldn't murder anyone. Especially Yashamaru. Don't you think its a little suspicious?" Kankuro got himself free from my grip. We both stopped running. I thought about it.

"Even so... That thing! Is a Tailed Beast! Its dangerous! We can't just run at it hoping it would give our brother back! We would die immediately!" I yelled.

"Its all papa's fault!!!! He is the one who trapped the beast inside him! He never gave him the same love he gives us! I even heard him say Gaara is just a experiment!" Kankuro yelled. I was shocked.

Why would papa do this? We were such a happy family... I was excited for a new brother... I didn't want this to ruin the family..

I began to cry. I wanted the family to be happy. I didn't want to lose my little brother.
"Okay. Lets go get him!" I told Kankuro. He nodded and we both began to run at the beast. Once we made it, It was so huge it was making the world shake.

"HEY! LET GO OF OUR BROTHER!!!!!" Kankuro yelled. Shukaku looked at us.

"What do we have here? Two little kids. Oh yes. Gaara's Older brother and sister. Family is so nice isn't it? Its a shame you had to avoid him. Making him feel all sad and alone... I bet he wants you dead..." Shukaku laughed. He then was about to attack us. I pushed Kankuro away to safety. His arm swung and hit me. It was so painful. I was knocked out once I hit the wall. I probably broke all of my bones. Last thing I heard was Kankuro screaming my name.

Few Hours Later..

I remember waking up in a bed. First thing I saw was Kankuro crying at the nurses to wake me up.

"sis?" Gaara spoke. I turned my head to Gaara who was okay.

"G-Gaara?! are you okay?!" I sat up and sharp pain hit me. I lay down again because the pain was unbearable.
"I'm okay.. I'm so sorry.. It's all my fault..." Gaara was upset. Kankuro hugged me. I could tell everyone was worried about me.
"Please don't move. You broke like...uh....mumblesmumbles... 34 bones... 23 spots are sprained... Thankfully you didn't break your spine. Its a miracle that you walked away with nothing serious." The nurse told me.

34 BONES??!??!?!?! HOW AM I ALIVE!?!? Well... I did get slapped by a Tailed Beast..It makes sense... I thought I was dead.... How am ...I alive..? Should that have killed me.. from the impact?

I groaned. Knowing I was going to be here for quite a while. The pain was still there. I still thought about how I was alive. I was really lucky.

"I'm glad you two are okay..." I smiled. "Wait what happened to the Tailed Beast?" I asked.

"I still have it. I controlled it..." Gaara said as he fiddled with his hand. Why must papa make his life so much harder.

"When I'm out... Do you guys want to escape..?" I asked. I was sick and tired of our papa being shit! Gaara and Kankuro stared at me. "I... I don't want to leave.." Kankuro said. Gaara stayed silent. I was a little disappointed. I sighed and wished days could go by so I can get out of here...

After 3 weeks...

"Miss Temari... You can go home... You will still have to rest but you don't have to stay here." The nurse said. I had my hopes up. Once I got home, I saw papa yelling at Gaara.

"Papa! Stop!" I wobbly walked to papa. I had crutches. I was almost covered in bandages.
"Look at her for example! SHE GOT HURT BECAUSE OF YOU!" Papa yelled. Gaara had no emotions. I pulled Papa trying to stop him. I was so weak but I wasn't going to stop.

"This isn't your business. Temari go rest." Papa had a soft voice towards me.

"Papa this is a perfect example why I hate you! You treat me and Kankuro fine but Gaara? You treat him like shit! I want all of us to be a happy family! I don't want to be your daughter!!!" I yelled. I gave him an angry look. Papa looked disappointed.

"You all are disgrace to me..." Papa said and left. That was the last I ever saw him treat us like a father. He abandoned us.

As time goes by...

My injuries begins to heal and I am able to do things. I don't need crutches anymore. I don't need to rest anymore. I don't need....... Papa...

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now