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Temari was in her bed with Shikamaru. It was much bigger. She was 4 month pregnant. Her belly was clearly noticeable. She was unable to fall asleep and it was 2 am.

"Shika...?" Temari said. She gently nudged him. Shikamaru woke up and looked at her.

"Mmm...? What is it...? Its like... 2 am in the Morning..." Shikamaru yawned. Temari was craving for something.

"I... want donuts and mayo..." Temari said. Shikamaru looks at Temari like she was crazy.

"I'll get you some when it's actually daytime." Shikamaru fell asleep. Temari started to get emotional. Her emotions were extra sensitive due to being pregnant. She ended up sobbing. Shikamaru panicked and sat up trying to comfort her.

"Why are you crying?! I-.. I'll get you them right now!" Shikamaru said. He then left the room and went to the store to buy some donuts. He then returned and got the mayo from the fridge.

"Here you go." Shikamaru gave Temari donuts and mayo. She smiled.

"Arigato!" Temari said as she ate.

"Kami... well I'm going back to bed." Shikamaru flopped on the bed and fell asleep.

9:00 am...

"Shi-Shika... it hurts..." Temari said. She was crying again. Her head was pounding, she was extremely dizzy and nauseous. Her leg was very sore. Shikamaru woke up to Temari crying.

"Hey hey... honey... are you in pain again...?" Shikamaru rubbed her arm when he sat up. Temari nodded slightly. Shikamaru got up and closed the blinds so that it was dark in the room. He then went to the bathroom and filled the hot bottle with hot water. Once that was done, he gave it to Temari.

"Sakura should come here today." Shikamaru said.

"Can... I have some water...?" Temari said. Shikamaru nodded and went to the kitchen. Getting a bottle and filling it with water. He then heard a knock.

"Who is it?!" Shikamaru yelled.

"Its me Sakura!" Sakura yelled. Shikamaru then went up to the door and opened it.

"How is Temari doing?" Sakura asked as she went inside.

"Eh...." Shikamaru sighed. He then went inside the room giving Temari water.

"Sakura is here." Shikamaru said.

"Mkay..." Temari groaned. She still had her eyes closed. Sakura was by her side. Her hands began glowing and she hovered one above Temari's forehead and the other on her stomach.

"Has she been moving around?" Sakura asked.

"Not as much as she was able to. She was always feeling sick." Shikamaru said.

"She needs to make sure she at least get out of the house. Its not good for her body to just stay in bed while being pregnant." Sakura said. Temari them opened her eyes. Her headache was gone. She didn't feel sick anymore. Sakura then stopped.

"Kay. You should be good to go." Sakura smiled. Temari then sat up and got off the bed. She started getting very lightheaded all the sudden. Her balance was tipping.

"Hey- Don't get up so quickly!" Sakura said as she quickly grabbed Temari's shoulder.

"Hai... gomen... I felt faint..." Temari softly said.

"That's what happen when you get up too quick. You get lightheaded and worse you can faint. Its not safe." Sakura said.

"This is troublesome..." Shikamaru sighed.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now