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It was morning. I was still kinda shaken up from the nightmares and the stranger. I still don't feel hungry. I ended up not eating breakfast.

"You should eat. You haven't eaten dinner nor breakfast." Shikamaru. I looked away.
"I'm not hungry." I snapped. I was lying. I was horribly hungry but looking at my food made me feel sick. It must be the effect of the poison. I got up to get my fan. I was going to take a walk.
Shikamaru followed me. I tried to ignore him. Eventually he was getting on my nerves so I used my fan and swung it making the dirt and sand fly up. I then ran off. Shikamaru rubbed his eyes to noticed I was gone.
"Sigh..troublesome..." He sighed.

Konoha Park (Forest)

I wanted to be alone. I looked up at the cloudy dark sky. I thought about my brothers.

"I hope they are doing well. I'm sorry. I had to leave or I was going to end my life." I thought.

I sighed. I continued walking in the forest just looking around.

Drip... drip drop...drip drop drip...

I looked up. It was starting to rain. It felt good on my skin. We don't get rain ever in Sand Village. Although the rain made me...sadder. I then looked down. I continued walking in the rain. I thought about my life and childhood. I was so scared of Gaara. I hated Papa. I had no friends. I was... really sad. I walked. I felt like I was going through a memory path.

I saw myself playing with my younger siblings. I saw myself excited to meet Gaara and Kankuro. I saw myself fighting Tenten. I saw... the day Shukaku appeared in our village. My heartbeat went up.

"Why? Was this fear? Its not actually happening... But I'm scared?" I thought.

I walked to the streets.

Konoha Street

Everyone was either inside or was walking with an umbrella. I saw girls laughing. I saw boys playing. I saw couples talk. I saw people have friends. My heart hurted. I had the need to cry.

I ran to a corner where nobody could see me. I leaned against the wall. I felt empty. I felt hopeless. I slide my back down and I hugged my knees sobbing.


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"Temari.. Your going to get a cold if you stay out here.." Shikamaru sits next to me with the umbrella over us. I ignored him continued crying.

"What's wrong.. please tell me Tem." Shikamaru was worried about me. I looked at him with my tears. Then looked down sad. I told him how lonely and sad I was.

"Tem... I'm your friend... Although I feel like its more then friends..." Shikamaru mumbled at the last part. I heard him say it. "What...you mean more then friends.." I asked.

"I'm not sure. Its just a feeling I have." Shikamaru smiled at me. I blushed. I looked away. "I miss my brothers... But I don't want to return.. Konoha is so much more peaceful." I said.
"It is. You should stay here then if you badly don't want to return. We can find you home here." Shikamari suggested. I looked at him. I thought about it. I would be a burden though...
"No thanks..." I said. Shikamaru sighed.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now