▪︎Odd Sickness▪︎

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Temari was training with Shikamaru. She was getting better with her movements.

"Don't go so easy on me." Temari smiled.

"Haven't been." Shikamaru said as he dodged Temari's attacks. Temari smirked as she charged at Shikamaru. Until she suddenly felt yucky. She slowed down till she no longer was moving. She closed her fan and her head was resting on the fan.

"Temari? Are you okay..?" Shikamaru walks up to her.

"Might have eaten something bad..." Temari said. She felt horrible.

"How about we call it quits for today and go home?" Shikamaru asked. Temari nodded her head slightly. He grabbed her back and picked her up holding her in bridal style and took her home.

Shikamaru's Home

"Just put me on the couch..." Temari mumbled. Shikamaru set her on the couch. She layed down trying to relieve her upset stomach.

"What did you eat last time...?" Shikamaru asked. Temari shrugged. She couldn't remember. She covered her eyes with her arm. Suddenly she felt the urge to throw up. Temari quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. Shikamaru was confused. Temari ended up throwing up. She coughs a lot. Shikamaru went by her side panicking.

"Temari the hell did you eat!? Do you want anything? Should I Call Sakura?" Shikamaru asked. Temari shook her head no slightly.

"Water..." Temari mumbled. Shikamaru grabbed a cup and filled it with water. He gave it to Temari. She sipped on it at times.

"I'm... fine... urk... Its just an upset stomach..." Temari mumbled. She then threw up again.

13 Minutes Later...

"I....think I'm good now..." Temari said. Shikamaru picked her up and carried her to bed.

"Is there anything you want me to do?" Shikamaru asked as he sets her on the soft mattress and covered her with the blanket.

"Tell.. the girls I can't hang out tonight..." Temari said. She then closed her eyes resting.

"Hai." Shikamaru said as he turns off the lights and closed the door. He left home to go find the girls.

Konoha Shopping Street

"Hai Hai Hai... I know..." Ino mumbled.

"If you knew you wouldn't have done it in the first place." Sakura got irritated.

"Girls please..." Tenten sighed.

"Thanks for Shopping with me. I had a lot of fun..." Hinata smiled. Then they saw Shikamaru walking up to them.

"Oh hey Shikamaru. Seems like Temari isn't with you." Ino noticed.

"Temari wanted you guys to know that she can't make it tonight." Shikamaru said.

"Huh? Why not...? That sucks..." Tenten said.

"A few minutes ago she was feeling sick and threw up..." Shikamaru sighed.

"Aww poor Tem!" Hinata said.

"Did she eat anything today?" Sakura asked. Shikamaru shook his head no. Sakura thought about it for a while.

"It could just be a stomach bug... I'm sure she will be fine." Sakura said. Shikamaru waved to them goodbye.

"For some reason the first thing popped in my head was that she was pregnant." Ino said.

"There's no way." Tenten said.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now