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"I'm coming with you. As a Kazekage... I say that Kankuro and I shall go with you." Gaara said.

"Fine..." Temari sighed. She then chuckles.

"Little brothers always in my way..." Temari smiled. The 4 left Sand Village to return home.

Rumble Rumble Rumble

"What no- ngh..." Temari held her stomach. The large scorpion had appeared. Temari pulled out her fan and ran towards it.

"W- TEMARI!!!!!" Kankuro yelled. Temari yelled as she swung her fan.

"WIND STYLE! SEA DRAGON!" Temari yelled. It had no effect on the scorpion. It's claw swung at her. Hitting her. It had remained her the moment with Gaara and Shukaku. Her body flew away after the impact. All she heard was her brother screaming her name. Especially Shikamaru. She finally made impact on the sands. Her body just stayed there... laying there as the sun cooked her.

"I... want to close my eyes... But... not yet..."

Temari thought. She slowly got up. Holding her waist. She could see the scorpion in the distance. Her body wobbly walked toward back the fights. The scorpion was hitting the sand Gaara was controlling away. Shikamaru barely had any shadows. Kankuro puppets were useless. Temari then thought of an idea.

"S-SHikaMaru!" Temari winced. Shikamaru heard her and was graceful that she was okay.

"Give... me a lift!..." Temari said. Shikamaru nodded. Temari then ran up to Shikamaru and jumped on his hand. He then pushed her up. Temari used her fan to make herself glide. The scorpion was about to sting her when she was above it. She used the same jutsu. Pushing the scorpion into the growing. Gaara then covered it in sand and killed it by the sand. Temari finally did something useful... her body fell off the fan as her eyes closed. Gaara caught her with the sand. Shikamaru and Kankuro quickly ran to her when Gaara gently set her down.

"Hey Tem! Wake up!" Shikamaru held Temari up close. Kankuro looked at his sister with concern.

"I'll carry her. We need to get going before another one appears." Shikamaru then held her bridal style. The boys nodded and continued with the travel.

"Reckless as ever..." Shikamaru mumbled. He covered her with the towel so she doesn't get sunburnt. He noticed Temari looked pale.

"Is there a cave or something to camp at?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yeah. There is some... we aren't close though. Why do you ask?" Kankuro asked.

"Temari is looking kinda pale. I'm worried that her sickness is coming back." Shikamaru said.

"Ah... I see. There is one up ahead. 4 miles and we will reach it. Let's hurry." Kankuro said. Shikamaru nodded and they all began running.

"Sh...ika..." Temari mumbled.

"Shh. Its Okay. Just rest.." Shikamaru said. Temari groaned a bit. They eventually made it and set up camp there. He had put Temari in the sleeping bag.

"How is she?" Gaara asked.

"As far as I know she just has nausea and fatigue." Shikamaru said.

"Why though...?" Gaara asked.

"I believe its part of the effect of being pregnant." Shikamaru said.

"Sounds a pain to deal with." Kankuro said.

"Shika... Ngh...." Temari groaned. Shikamaru was next to Temari gently rubbing her forehead.

"2 more days till we finally reach Konoha..." Kankuro sighed.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now