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Sorry for the late update!!

"Oi! Temari!!" Tenten waved. I was taking a walk around and I had noticed Tenten. I waved back.

"Shall we get started?" I said. Tenten nodded. We had made a plan to have a battle against each other. Its been a while since I battled Tenten. I was excited. We took a few steps back and got ready.

I waited for TenTen's first move. Tenten pulled out her scroll and summoned a pole. She the ran at me. I used my fan as defense but I wasn't to good with close combat, so of course I did get hit, but it didn't do much. I swung my fan blowing at her. She used her Kunais and sticks it in the ground so she doesn't go off flying.
I smirked. I put my big fan on my back. I then pulled out 2 small fans weapons. They were very sharp.

I then ran at her and swung them around

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I then ran at her and swung them around. Tenten deflected them with her pole. I was cutting through her pole. She thens jumps back and summons 2 katanas. We fought for awhile with them and eventually I was winning. Although I was a bit too rough with Tenten. I knocked her Katana out of her hands and used my fan to send her flying into the tree. She hits her back against the tree. Making her gasp. Tenten then fell to her face. I shut my fans and walk up to her.

"Looks like I still beat yah. You did better though! I was actually struggling." I said. Tenten didn't respond.

"Come on Tenten! I wasn't too rough with you... I think..." I got on my knees and tapped her back. Still no response. I then shook her. Nothing.

Did I knock her out?! Shit!

"Hey Tenten! Come on! Stop playing around! This isn't funny!" I said. I picked her up and she had her eyes closed. I noticed something, she had blood coming out of her mouth. I was way too rough with her and ended up hurting her.

"H-Hey?! Wake up!! I was too rough! Sorry!" I shook Tenten. She then woke up.

"Gah! Wha- huh? Tem? What happened?" Tenten sat up. I sighed in relief.

"I was a bit too rough with you and ended up knocking you out. Sorry about that." I laughed nervously. Tenten wipes her mouth and stood up.

"Well. You won again. Good fight." Tenten smiled.

"You did better." I patted her back. Suddenly there was an explosion. It shook the ground. Making me and Tenten fall.

"What the hell was that!?!" Tenten yelled. I quickly got up and grabbed TenTen's hand and ran. There was smoke in Konoha. Once we arrived, Konoha was being attacked.

"Go protect the people!!! I'll find out what's happening!!!" Tenten yelled. I nodded and we went our separate ways. I ran in the streets telling the people to get to safety. I then saw a enemy throw a kunai with something attached to it. Explosion tag- oh shit the child!

I quickly ran to the child that was next to it and covered her with my body. I opened my fan and used it like a shield. The tag exploded. I looked at the crying kid. Then picked it up and brought it to safety.


"Huh- Shikamaru! What is happening!!" I yelled. Shikamaru ran at me.

"No time to explain. Just get the people to safety. Be safe." Shikamaru held my shoulder then ran.

What is happening...

It almost looked like a war was beginning. There was so many enemies fighting. Suddenly I heard a very loud roar. I looked around and there was a enormous beast. It was new. There wasn't any other tailed beast but it was so large. Memories attacked me.


"WH- SIS NOOOO!!!!!"


"oh my god... she is bleeding so much...!!"


My legs were shaking. I was horrifed of the beast. Suddenly its hand swung at me. I watch it get closer. I was frozen in fear. I couldn't move.


Shikamaru ran at me and tackled me avoiding the hit. We both slid across the street. I looked at Shikamaru.

"S-Shika?!" I said. Shikamaru got up.

"Your scared, aren't you? If that's the case... then I will protect you." Shikamaru said.

"I-I'm not scared!!! B-baka!!" I got up.

"Your legs are shaking." Shikamaru said. I sighed. I tried to stop shaking. I wanted to prove I'm not scared. This doesn't... scare me..

I took one step and the roar had frighten me. Suddenly the beast had something shot out of his mouth. There was a huge explosion. Shikamaru quickly grabbed me and carried me bridal way and fled. If we had stayed, the explosion would have killed us.

"NARUTO!!!" Shikamaru yelled, and there it was. The 9 tailed beast... Kurma. I saw Naruto on its head. I knew Kurma was on our side but it still frighten me.

"We should be okay now

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"We should be okay now." Shikamaru looks at me with a smile. Kurma roared and charged at the beast. Suddenly the beast let out one of the worst roar I've ever heard. It was so high pitch that it made my ears bleed. I covered my ears as I closed my eyes. Once the roar had stopped, I opened one of my eyes and the sky was red. I looked in confusion.

"Shikamaru? What happened?" I pulled his shirt.

"I... don't know... I feel dizzy all the sudden.." Shikamaru then fell on his side. I was feeling dizzy as well and fell on my side.

I'm so confused... what is happening..?

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now