▪︎Protect Me▪︎

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"What are we protecting them from?" I asked. We hopped from tree to tree heading to the group of travelers.

"They have a special unique daughter who is apparently worth so much money. The father wants to protect her as much as he can but he can't." Ino said.

"Special girl...?" I said. We then found the group. They were on guard once they saw us.

"Don't worry. We are sent by the leaf village. We are here to protect you guys." Shikamaru said. This man comes out if the travel carriage.

"Thank you so much. Please protect us. We had so many close calls..." The man said.

"I am Banko. My 7 year old daughter is inside the carriage. She is shy. Her name is Delta." Banko said bowing.

"I'm Shikamaru. This is Ino, Choji, and Temari. It's nice to meet you." Shikamaru said.

"Boss! We should get going!" One guy said as he was on the horse.

"Kay. Continue traveling!" Banko yelled as he got back on the front of the carriage. Shikamaru and Ino kept a look out. I was walking by Delta's carriage. Choji was in the back making sure nobody was tailing us. As I was walking I saw Delta peeking through the empty window. I waved at her. She quickly hid.

"Hey don't be scared. I'm Temari, from Sand Village. Me and my friends are here to protect you." I said. Then she peeked out.

"Ar...are you sure...?" Delta asked. I nodded. She sticks out her head. I was in awe. She had a beautiful bright sea blue hair. She had blue eyes. She was wearing a light blue dress with white shirt under.

Never have I ever seen anyone with this blue hair in my life

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Never have I ever seen anyone with this blue hair in my life. I could see why people want to kidnap her.

"You have really pretty hair." I said.

"...Thank you..." Delta said fiddling her hands.

"Are... you really a ninja...?" Delta asked.

"Uh huh. I am indeed a ninja. See this?" I tapped on my forehead where my band is.

"Ooooh.. Cool!" Delta smiled.

"Do you have kunais? Can I hold one?" Delta asked.

"Yes I do. But... I don't want you accidently cutting yourself." I said. I could see the disappointment in her face.

"Wanna see a trick?" I asked. Delta nodded. I pulled out 2 kunais and threw them at the tree.

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Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now