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Weeks went by and Sakura had me sit on the wheelchair. We were going to do a leg therapy thingy activity. Sakura never told me what it was. She pushed me into a room.

"We are going to try to help you walk again." Sakura said. I was still confused at why I was unable to walk. It was only burnt. Maybe it was because I was in a 1 month somewhat coma. Kami I have so many questions...

"Hai." I said. She put me in between 2 bars.

"Okay we are going to have you push yourself up. I'll make sure you don't fall." Sakura said. I grabbed onto the bars and pushed myself up. My legs touched the ground, I could feel the pressure as I made myself stand. It felt like I had no muscles in my legs. If I had let go, my legs would be ragdoll and I would just fall.

"Good Good. Don't push yourself to much. Its okay if you can't do anything. It'll get better as we do this everyday." Sakura said. I nodded and slid my left hand further on the bar. I forced my legs to move. It was getting frustrating. Eventually my legs were hurting a lot. I winced in pain.

"That's enough for today." Sakura said. I sighed in disappointment.

Days goes by and I'm starting to make somewhat progress. I was able to do a single step. Then 2 steps. Then 4 step, and so on. My skin on my legs were almost fully healed. I was happy that I'm doing better.

1 month later...

I was pushing myself up as I made couple steps. I couldn't stop smiling. I then decided to try something. I let go of the bars. I wobbled and stumbled a lot but I'm finally standing. I was losing balance so I grabbed on the bars again.

I walk again... I'll be on your side soon Shikamaru...

2 months later...

Shikamaru was in the room with me. I decided to surprise him. I got off the bed and stood perfectly fine. Shikamaru looks at me with disbelief.

"You can walk now?!" Shikamaru walked to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. I was so happy.

"Mmmhmm and guess what. I can get the heck out of here today." I said. Shikamaru smiled.

"From now one..... We will fight together... no more alone..." I softly said as I stuffed my face in his chest.

"Hai." Shikamaru said. Sakura comes in and Shikamaru quickly pushed me gently and blushed.

"Ah what were you two doing?" Sakura smirked.

"N-Nothing... this is a drag..." Shikamaru sighed.

"Temari are you ready? I got your stuff all packed up. You can leave anytime you want." Sakura said.

"Now!" I said. I quickly pulled Shikamaru. We both left the hospital. I took a deep breath. I had missed the world.

"Oh finally!!!" I sighed. I looked at Shikamaru with a big smile.

(So sorry this was short. Please do tell me what I should have Temari and Shikamaru do next! Lemon? Date? Training? Anything!)

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now