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I was feeling a lot better. Sakura allowed me to leave the hospital. I thanked her on my way out.

What do I do now..? I kinda want to see Shikamaru...

I was looking for Shikamaru as I walked in the street. I then spotted Ino and Choji talking. I ran up to them. 

"Oh you are out! How are you feeling?" Ino asked. 

"Better then before. Where is the lazy ass?" I asked.

 "Um.. I'm not sure. He might be at the training ground." Ino was unsure. I thanked her and headed to the training ground.

Training Ground

"Shadow Sewing Technique!" Shikamaru yelled. Shadow appeared and it wrapped the dummy. Shikamaru sighed.

"Seems like someone isn't as lazy as I thought

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"Seems like someone isn't as lazy as I thought." I said. Shikamaru released the shadow and looked around. He saw me up the tree. I was sitting on the branch.

"Oh your finally out. You doing good?" Shikamaru asked. I hopped off the tree and walked to him. "Better then ever." I replied. I noticed Shikamaru checking me out.

"You have definably changed since the last time I saw you

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"You have definably changed since the last time I saw you." Shikamaru smiled. I slightly blushed a bit.

"S-so what? Your s-still the same!!" I yelled. I looked away as I puffed up in annoyance.

"heh someone is angry. So what did you need?" Shikamaru asked. I had forgotten I needed to ask him.
"Can I stay at your place? For now? Until I know what I'm going to do." I asked. Shikamaru looked at me blinking. He then snapped out. "I mean... Sure....?" Shikamaru scratched his head. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me up to carry me in bridal way. My face went red.

"S-Sh-Shika-Shikamaru?!" I stuttered. "I'm trying to be helpful." He groaned. Then jumped from tree to tree heading to his home.

Nara's Home

"Here." Shikamaru put me down. I was trying not to show my face at all. It was so warm and red.
"a-a-arigato.." I said softly. He showed me his room. "You can sleep here. I'll sleep on the couch." He said. I putted away my bag. I leaned my fan against the wall. I flopped on his bed. It was surprisingly soft and it smelled cleaned. I expected his home to be so messy but it was. His scent still was on the bed. Shikamaru was a lazy person but he still took care of the house and himself. I didn't realized how comfortable I got and ended up falling asleep. I wished I didn't fall asleep though...

"HEY! LET GO OF OUR BROTHER!!!!!" Kankuro yelled. Shukaku looked at us.

"What do we have here? Two little kids. Oh yes. Gaara's Older brother and sister. Family is so nice isn't it? Its a shame you had to avoid him. Making him feel all sad and alone... I bet he wants you dead..." Shukaku laughed.

He was about to attack us. I wanted to move to push Kankuro away, But I can't.

"KANKURO!!!!!!!" I screamed. I saw Kankuro get slapped. His body flys over me. I looked behind and I saw blood. It was absolutely gore. His bone was sticking out. His blood poured. I almost threw up after seeing that. I was able to move. I ran to him. He wasn't breathing. He was dead. I bawled. Begging him not to die. I then looked at Shukaku. I noticed Gaara was on his shoulder. He had this evil look.

"I want you to suffer sis. You hurted me. Now, I shall return the favor." Gaara said. MY eyes widen in fear.

Gaara wouldn't do this. He wouldn't. No way! Kankuro can't be dead. He can't. There's no way...

"Die." Gaara said. Shukaku then aimed at me. He then punched me into the ground. I was smushed into nothing but blood and body parts. It only happened for a second. Then I was in a different place. There was war. Sand Village was destroyed. I was scared.

"What...happened...?" I asked myself. Dead bodies were everywhere. I then recognized some of them. Ino had been pierced with many bars. Kiba was sliced in half. Tenten was covered in weapons. I saw someone who made me bawled immediately.

"SHIKAMARU!!" I screamed. His body was bleeding. I noticed his eyes open.
"T-Temari...why...?" He spoke weakly. "Wha..What are talking about? Where is Sakura?! Tsunade?!" I yelled. "..d-d-dead..." He said. I was overwhelmed. "I don't want to lose you!!!" I hugged him crying. "Tr-Trouble-lesome...w-w-wom-woman.." He spoke. I saw him lose his eyes. His heart stopped.

"Shika?! SHIKA?! SHIKAAA!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

"Temari!? Hey wake up!" I felt someone shaking me. I woke up gasping as I had tears run down my cheeks.
"Temari Are you alight? You kept mumbling my name. I saw you were crying too" Shikamaru said. I looked at him. I was so happy it was only a dream. I wiped my tears. I nodded. 

"I'm okay.. I just had a bad dream.." I said. Shikamaru sighed. 

"Dinner is ready when you are hungry." Shikamaru said. He then left the room. I sighed. I wasn't feeling hungry. I stayed in bed. Thinking about my nightmare. I turned off the lights and went to bed early.

After a few hours later...

I rolled over facing the window and I noticed a figure at the window. My heart skipped a beat. I sat up immediately. It got closer and closer. It then grabbed my neck and pushed me against the bed. I screamed. I could feel its cold hands tighting his grip. It was trying to choke me to death.

"huck acK, huft, lac, hft, go, of, mek" I said. I grabbed his arm trying to make him let go of me, I had a grip on his arm. I kicked him and punched him. Nothing. I didn't have anything near by to hit him with. My body freaked out gasping so hard. It felt like I was choking. I couldn't breathe. All I could do was flail and cry. I tried to scream for help but I can't talk. Words wouldn't come out.

"TEMARI!?!" Shikamaru slammed the door open. My grip on his arm was losing up. It eventually flopped on the bed. I felt my body giving up on trying to breathe. My eyes was slightly open, but they were about to close. Shikamaru tackled the person fighting him. He pulled out his kunai and swung it around. The figure escaped and disappeared. I was free from his grip but I still couldn't breathe for some reason. I tried to force my body to breathe, but I soon was falling into darkness, until Shikamaru held me shaking me. It had knocked some sense into my body making it realize I was able to breathe. I gasped for air coughing.

"Temari are you okay?!" Shikamaru held me. I opened my eyes fully to see this... really handsome face of Shikamaru looking at me. I nodded. I panted. "w-who was that..?" I said as I rubbed my neck. It was hurting.

"I don't know, but its gone. You are okay. How about this. Let me sleep with you tonight. I'll make sure your safe.. even.. if its a drag.." Shikamaru said.

Since when did he become such a gentleman..?!

I nodded as I blushed. This was the first time I'm sleeping in a bed with Shikamaru. I went under the blanket. He then joined me in bed. He was facing away from me. The bed was small so our backs were touching. I was blushing so hard.

"arigato...Shika.." I said as I fell asleep. Trying to forget what had happened.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now