▪︎Strange Place Part 1▪︎

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I woke up and I was still in the same place with Shikamaru. I looked around and everything seem normal. Like the battle didn't even exist. I was confused. I shook trying to wake up Shikamaru. He finally woke up and looked around. He was just as confused as I was.

"Hey. Your not from here. Explain yourself- oh my apologies. I did not know it was you Temari." Someone said. I looked back and it was Sakura.

"Sakura. What happened to the beast?!" I said. Sakura looks at me confused.

"What beast are you even talking about? There was no beast here..." Sakura said. Shikamaru and I looked at each other.

"Nevermind that. What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be back in Sand Village? Your their Kazekage." Sakura said. I stood up.

"K-kazekage...?" I stuttered.

"Sakura stop speaking nonsense." Shikamaru stood up as well.

"Did you guys hit your head or something? I can go get Ino if you like." Sakura smiled.

"I- uh... give us a sec!" I turned around and got close to Shikamaru.

"What is happening?" I whispered.

"Not sure. This is a drah but we better figure it out though. Just act it out. " Shikamaru said. I nodded. I then faced Sakura.

"Y-yeah. I came here to uh... Take a break! Being a Kazekage is hard..." I laughed nervously. Sakura raised her eyebrow.

"Ok.... Also Shikamaru, What are you doing with her? I thought you hated her." Sakura said.

Ouch. My heart (T^T)

"E-eh..? Well. I want to fix that... I'm trying to be friends with her again." Shikamaru sighed.

"Alrighty...then? Well, its been a while since you visited. Do feel free to stay as long as you want. I need to go and help Sasuke. You should see him. I'm sure Kurma would want to talk to Shukaku. You two are Jinchuuriki anyways. Bye bye!" Sakura waved and ran off.

"Ji- Jinchuuriki??!" I said.

"Ok so apparently I'm the Kazekage AND a Jinchuuriki?! What is happening?!?!" I rubbed my head in confusion.

"Look." Shikamaru pointed. I looked at where he was pointing at. The rock faces were different. It looks like the current Hokage is... K-KUSHINA?!

"I don't think this is our world. It might be a genjustu." Shikamaru said.

"Release!" I said as I did the sign. Nothing happened.

"Okay so... It's not a genjutsu... are we in a different world?!" I said.

"I don't know. For now, just act it out. Let's go and find the others" Shikamaru said. I nodded. We ran into the streets.

The streets seem the same. So that was normal. Although people were looking at me giving me a dirty face.

"I don't like this..." I said. Why is people looking at me like that?

"Shikamaru!!!" Ino waved. She ran to us.

"Your back early! How was the mission?" Ino asked.

"E-eh? It was easy." Shikamaru sighed. Ino then looks at me.

"....huh..? Temari what are you doing here?" Ino asked me.

"I'm taking a vacation." I said.

"Ooooh!! Fun! Well come on then!!" Ino grabbed my hand. She ran off with me. Shikamaru followed.

Konoha Training Ground

We arrived at the training grounds. Everyone was here.

"Guys! Look who is here!!" Ino yelled.

"I-Ino! You know better not to touch her! Temari doesn't like that!" Sakura said. Ino apologized.

"I-its fine!" I said. Everyone looked the same... ish.. but they all act differently.

"Since when did you return?" Choji asked Shikamaru. Choji..was... Skinny?

"E...h...... uh... Just now... what a drag...?" Shikamaru said.

"Hey Temari!" Sasuke ran to me.

"How is Shukaku doing? How's the Sand Village?" Sasuke smiled. I was weirded out. Since when did he smile..??!

"I don't sense chakra in you." Sasuke said. I got worried.

"Are you feeling alright?" Ino asked.

"Why is she here Shika? You really need to stop asking girls out."

"E-eh... uh... g-guys... y-your... ov-overwhelming her..." Neji stuttered.

"Tch... Why is the monster here?" A person said.

"She doesn't deserve to be a Kazekage." A person said.

"Creepy girl..." A person said.

"Are you really Temari... Or are you an imposter..." Sasuke said. He pulled out his katana and it was pointing at me.

"Sasuke stop!" Ino said.

"I don't sense Shukaku in her. Her Chakra is weak. This isn't Temari. Explain yourself faker!!" Sasuke yelled.

I was getting really overwhelmed. I eventually had tears run down my cheeks. I was confused, hurt and overwhelmed. Shikamaru threw a smoke bomb and grabbed me and fled.

"Where did she go! Neji! Used your byakugan!" Sasuke yelled. Neji nodded and used it.

"Shikamaru is running with Temari!" Neji said.

"I'm going after her." Sasuke said as he ran chasing us.

"Damnit. We are in big trouble!" Shikamaru said. We hopped from house to house.

"Shit. Sasuke is on our tail!" I said. We both hopped down and ran in the busy crowd.

"Shikamaru what do we do?!" I yelled.

"Keep running! Grab my hand!" Shikamaru said. I grabbed his hand and we kept running. Then Tenten, Neji, and Lee jumped in front of us.

"Stay where you are." Lee ordered. Shikamaru pulled me into an ally and jumped on houses. Ino and Choji was now tailing us.

"They are definitely not Shikamaru or Temari! Shikamaru never says its a drag. Temari is emotionless. These are faker." Ino yelled.

"Damnit. I don't want to do this. But you all leave me no choice!" I yelled. Everyone then frozed. They all looked at me with cautious.

"Don't use Shukaku." Choji said. I gave him a look. I grabbed my fan and swung it. Creating a large gust blowing Choji and Ino away.

"Sorry!!!" I yelled.

"Lets go to my house." Shikamaru said.

Nara's Home

We ran to Shikamaru's house. We went inside and Shikamaru closed the door and locking it.

"Shikamaru... I don't like this at all... everyone is different..." I said.

"It's okay. I'll protect you. Miss Kazekage." Shikamaru teased. I pushed him playfully.

"Oh shush crybaby." I smiled.

"Okay so Sasuke is here apparently." Shikamaru said.

"He Smiled! This is really cursed world." I said.

"Okay... what do we know..?" Shikamaru asked.

"Well..." Temari said.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now