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"What the...? Temari?!" Shikamaru yelled. The team ran to me. "Hey! Hello?! Wake up!" Ino was shaking me.

Stop shaking me bitch!!!

"Stop that...." Asuma said. Ino stopped. Asuma walked to me and touched my forehead. He checked my leg and noticed the bite mark.

"She's been poisoned. It looks like a snake bit her." Asuma said. Shikamaru was worried.

"We should bring her to Tsunade.." Shikamaru said.

"That won't work. It'll be too late if we went back." Asuma said. I was twitching all over.

"Whats wrong with her? Why is she twitching?!" Shikamaru panicked.

"Relax Shika. That's supposed to happen. Ino can you extract the poison from her..?" Asuma asked.

"I can try" Ino said. She kneeled down and try to extract the poison from me. When she started, my body flinched. It was working but it was really painful. I wanted to move so badly but I couldn't. All I could do was make squealing or groaning noise.

"Just a bit longer Temari.." Shikamaru said. He was kneeling next to me. I don't know what Ino did but a sharp pain hit me. Making me squeal loud. I wanted to scream. It felt like my heart was burning. I could feel the poison leaving though. Eventually it was over. I was exhausted.

"I did as much as I can." Ino said. "good job. We will have time to head back to Konoha now." Asuma said.

I don't want to go to Leaf Village. I don't want the Hokage forcing me to return home... I need to do something.

I was starting to not feel numb. While they talked about the plan. My arm wasn't numb. I carefully moved my arm to my pocket. I then grabbed my kunai and swung it at Ino. She dodged it though. "T-Temari? Its us don't worry" Choji said.

"i.....do...nt......g...i..ve.....a..sh...it..." I panted. I wobbly got back up. I had the wall to support me standing. I opened my eyes. I still held my kunai. My hands were shaking a lot.
"Temari. We are going to help you. You are poisoned." Shikamaru said.

"y...y-ye..ah.....no......sh..it.." I said. I wanted to jump and escape but I was far to weak to even walk. I grabbed my fan and I was ready to fight them.

"Temari! Stop!" Ino yelled.

"Wind Release: Cast Net!" I yelled. I swung my fan creating a gust.

 I swung my fan creating a gust

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Of course they dodged. It had used all of my energy. I couldn't fight anymore.
I was out of energy and I lost my balance and I was going to fall face to ground. Until Shikamaru caught me.
"this is a drag.." Shikamaru mumbled.

I groaned. "L...et.. me... go.." I mumbled. My hearing was fading away. I heard Shikamaru mumbling something but I couldn't heard him. I lost consciousness eventually.


After what felt like days, I regain my consciousness. Someone was holding me bridal way. I then heard someone talk.
"Hn..? Who is that in your arms..? Asuma..?" Kakashi noticed. "Its Temari. She is poisoned. We found her dying in a cave." Asuma said. They rushed to the hospital.


"This girls been poisoned. I need someone to give me the antidote." Asuma said. Sakura was there.

"Give me her. Who extracted the poison?" Sakura asked. They told Sakura it was Ino. She was proud.

"What snake was she bit by?" Sakura asked.
"Not sure, could be any snakes." Asuma said.

"Well whatever it was, it was definitely really poisonous. If you hadn't walk in that cave, She would have died that day." Sakura said. She checked what kind of poison I was dealing with. Sakura told the nurse what antidote was going to be needed. In the mean time, Sakura was going to try to get as much as poison out of me since she was a whole lot experienced then Ino was. I hated the feeling.

Oh why can't I be unconscious at a time like this..

The nurses came back with the antidote. They had given me a shot of it. I was carried to a bed. It was so soft. So much better then the one we have in Sand Village.
I was going to be alive. Although I was probably be sent back to Sand Village. Which I don't want.

After 1 hour...

I wasn't in pain anymore. I could feel my body again. Of course I was graceful to be alive but at the same time.. what purpose do I have..?

I lay down with a pillow over my face. I was sobbing to myself quietly. I heard the door open. It was Shikamaru. I had forgotten it has been so long since I saw him. He looks like he grown a bit since the last time I saw him.

"Hey are you feeling alright?" Shikamaru checked. "...yeah..." I mumbled. I still sobbed on the pillow. "Then why are you crying?" Shikamaru asked. I stayed silent. This moment reminded me when my brothers were worried about me.

"Was that a personal question..?" Shikamaru asked. "Its fine. I might as well answer." I said. I sat up and wiped my tears. I had explained everything to him. "that's...why I ran away... and honestly I don't want to return. Until there is a new Kazekage... I won't return." I said.

"....sigh.... Your brothers are probably worried sick about you." Shikamaru said.

"I know Kankuro is. Gaara doesn't worry. He doesn't know feelings. He ruined my life. Because of him. I have no friends in Sand Village..." I said.

Shikamaru sighed. He gave me some water. I noticed it and immediately drank it. I was dehydrated. "What you did was dumb and honestly a drag for everyone." Shikamaru sighed.

"So I'm a burden to everyone I guess..." I sighed. "Did you even know where to go?" Shikamaru said. I nodded no. "sigh....what a drag..." Shikamaru said.

"Why do you keep saying What a drag?" I asked. "e-eh..?" Shikamaru didn't answer the question.

"Sorry if that was a drag to answer lazy ass." I said with an irritated face.

"Troublesome woman.." Shikamaru sighed.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now