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"SHIKAMARU WAKE UP DAMNIT" I yelled. Shikamaru was still in bed. It was afternoon. He still slept.

"You leave me no choice... but since I'm in a good mood... I won't blow you off... instead..." I smirked. I took off my shirt and bra. I then layed in front of him.

"Oh Shika~~" I cooed. Shikamaru opened his eyes. He saw my chest completely naked.

"WHAT THE HELL-ACK!" Shikamaru fell off the bed. I put back on my clothes.

"Good afternoon crybaby." I said.

"W-WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" Shikamaru yelled.


"Geez... troublesome woman..." Shikamaru sighed.

"You deserve a payback..." Shikamaru smirked. He then grabbed my hand hand and pulled me close. He then pushed me against the bed. He then kissed me deeply. Our bodies were touching. I was getting aroused pretty quickly. He then began kissing my neck. Giving me chills down my spine.

"Shika... you dummy..." I said. Shikamaru then stopped and got off me.

"I'm going to go get coffee." Shikamaru then left the room.

"H-huh....? But.... I'm.... horny now..." I sat up trying to process this.

"SHIKAMARU!!!!!!!!" I yelled shaking the house.

"Stupid... Dummy... Pineapple head boy.." I grumbled as I fixed the bed. I looked outside. It was a beautiful day.

I decided to go-b^;!/6&>!,×abf%_

". . ."

". . ."

". . ."

What on earth...?

I felt really dizzy all the sudden. I might have gotten myself lightheaded for a moment. I ignored it and walked to the kitchen. Except... It was on fire.

"Oh my god! SHIKAMARU WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled. I then suddenly couldn't move. I looked at my arms and legs. There was chains restraining me to go anywhere.

"The Hell?!" I cursed. I then saw Shikamaru in front of me.

"Shikamaru what is-" Before I could even finish, He had his kunai at my neck.

"Shikamaru...?" I watched in fear. I then noticed something. His eyes were completely black. The walls were melting to blood.

Is this a genjutsu? I need to release! I- I can't move my arms though! I can't do the sign! DAMNIT!!!

Shikamaru was bleeding from his eyes. He then melted. It was so gross I almost threw up. Suddenly blood began flooding. I was drowning in blood.

Kami! This isn't good! Shikamaru... Help!

Then the blood was gone. I coughed as I tried to catch my breath. I was covered in blood. I smelled like metal. It made me gag. I noticed something was dripping. I looked up and there they were. Both of my brother were hunged. They had guts spilling out of them. I had screamed. I was heavily traumatized. I then felt something grab me. It was Gaara. He was dead but... he grabbed my hair. Then Shukaku took over Gaara's body. I screamed in fear.


". . ."

". . ."

". . ."

I woke up in Shikamaru's arms gasping. I looked at Shikamaru. I was back in reality. I them hugged him bawling.

"What the hell happened?! I heard you screamed twice. You were gasping and mumbling too. Who the hell put you under a genjutsu?!" Shikamaru said. I shook no. I didn't want to talk about anything. I just wanted to cry in Shikamaru's arms. He sighed and rubbed my head. Holding me close.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now