▪︎Lost Child▪︎

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Shikadai looked around. He was at the market streets. He wasn't quite sure where he was. He kept on walking hoping to find something familiar. Until he was stopped by a woman. She had whit shirt with red. Her pants were pink. She had brown hair with buns. She was also pregnant. She was due next month. It was Tenten.

"What are you doing all alone?" Tenten asked. She held her belly. Shikadai stared at Tenten.

"Home?" Shikadai asked.

"I can take you home." Tenten tried to grab Shikadai's hand but he quickly fled away.

"H-Hey! Shikadai!... Ah.. I can't go after him..." Tenten sighed. She went back inside her shop and sat on her chair. Eventually after 30 minutes later, Temari and Shikamaru went inside the weapon shop.

"Oh hey! What do you need?" Tenten smiled.

"We are looking for Shikadai. He just disappeared..." Temari asked. Tenten then stood up and went outside.

"I saw him wandering around so I went up to ask him what he was doing alone. He just said home and I was going to take him to his house but he then ran away. He went that way." Tenten pointed.

"Home... kami... Thank you so much Tenny. Take it easy alright!" Temari said.

"I'll go check home. You keep looking." Shikamaru then ran off. Temari continued running where Shikadai ran off.

Shikadai was now at the bridge. He looked at the water.

"I wanna go home..." Shikadai tried not to cry. He then continued walking. Until something caught his eye. It was a store with display. It had cards. He wanted them but didn't have money. Then a big kid gave him a packet of card.

"You can have this. I got extra one but I don't need it." The kid said. Shikadai smiled. He puts it in his pocket. He continued walking.

"Hey you!" A Jonin yelled. Shikadai was startled. The Jonin got closer to him and grabbed his arm.

"We found him." The Jonin reported. Shikadai began screaming with tears. He had no idea the Jonin was trying to help him. He kept hitting the Jonin as he cried.

"MAMA!!!! LET ME GOO!!!" Shikadai then kicked the Jonin's crotch making him let go and fall to his knees. Shikadai then grabbed a Kunai and ran off. Some other Jonin chased after him. He was extremely scared.

Sai, Ino, and Inojin had saw Shikadai running away from Jonins. He was screaming a lot.

"Temari. Get to the east side. We found him. The Jonins are after him and I don't think he understands that they are trying to help him. He is screaming so much." Ino reported. Temari then headed east.

"STOP!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Shikadai yelled. He then tripped and scraped his elbow and knees. The Jonin roughly picked him by the arm. Shikadai cried so much.

"MAMA!!! PAPA!!!" Shikadai screamed. Shikadai then swung his other arm with the kunai and stabbed the Jonin's arm. Shikadai backed up to the wall behind him. His legs shook. He was scared. Then saw Temari in the distance. Shikadai went under the Jonin legs and ran towards Temari.

"MOM!" Shikadai yelled. Temari saw him and got so teary. She got on her knees and spreaded her arm. Shikadai quickly hugged Temari tightly while crying. Temari caressed Shikadai and hugged him close.

"Its okay. Its okay." Temari said. The Yamanaka family arrived.

"Th-The Ni-Ninjas tried to h-hurt me!" Shikadai cried. Temari glared at the Jonin.

"You scared him. What made you think chasing after a kid was a good idea!" Temari yelled. The Jonin sighed. Temari wasn't able to keep her tears in. She sobbed as she was so happy to see Shikadai was safe.

"I'm so glad your okay." Temari said. She picked up Shikadai as he cried on her shoulder.

"Thank you so much for helping." Temari said.

"Its not a problem." Ino said. Temari then went to look for Shikamaru. Once she found him, she ran to him. Shikamaru saw Temari with Shikadai and had ran to them hugging Temari and Shikadai.

"Papa!!!" Shikadai cried.

"Don't ever do that again." Shikamaru said.

"Never!" Shikadai yelled.

"Oh kami..." Temari noticed Shikadai's elbow and knees were scrapped and bleeding a bit.

"Let's go home. Kay?" Shikamaru said. Shikadai nodded. He had somewhat calmed down. Tears still fell but he didn't make any noise other then him sniffing.

"Mama... My arm and leg hurt" Shikadai said.

"I know. I'll treat it when we get home." Temari said. They had arrived home and Temari set Shikadai on the couch.

"I'll be right back. Stay here." Temari said. She went to the bathroom and grabbed the medic kit. She then returned to Shikadai who wiped his nose.

"Here. Hold this." Temari gave Shikadai's Deer Plush. He hugged it tightly. Temari cleaned off the blood with a wet cloth.

"This might sting. Will you be strong?" Temari asked. Shikadai nodded. Temari used the disinfecting medicine. It stinged but Shikadai was strong.

"Good job! Now the bandages." Temari smiled as she wrapped his elbow and knees with bandages.

"And your all done!" Temari said. Shikadai wiped his tears.

"Shikadai. Why did you run away?" Temari asked.

"Because I was tired... The game got boring... I wanted to go home..." Shikadai said. Shikamaru sighed.

"Kami... your just like your dad..." Temari sighed.

"Promise me you won't ever do that again." Temari looked into his eyes. He nodded.

"Thank you. Now run along." Temari said. Shikadai then got off and ran to Shikamaru.


"Can you teach me how to play Shogi?" Shikadai asked.

"Of course. I would love to." Shikamaru smiled as he opened the shoji. Temari took a deep breath.

"This family is going to give me great hair before Shikadai is a teen..." Temari mumbled.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now