▪︎Lost and Found▪︎

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Next Day...

I didn't sleep very well. I had a hard time sleeping. I don't normally like sleeping outside. Too much sounds occurs and scares me. Owls hooting, wolves howling, random thuds or tapping. My mind automatically thinks its an enemy, but really it's nothing. I walked out of my tent rubbing my eyes. We all packed our camp stuff away and continued walking back to Konoha.

"What is that..?" Choji pointed. We looked at where Choji was pointing at. There was horses coming towards us. They weren't stopping.

"Shadow possession!" Shikamaru said as he crotched down and put his hands together. He got the horse in front of us to stop. Until more suddenly appeared. It jumped out of the forest and almost hit me. I quickly moved, making my waist hurt again. There was people on the horse. They didn't look friendly. They pulled out their swords. I grabbed my fan and was about to swing my fan until a sharp pain hit my waist. I had moved way too much causing my wound to open completely and bleed again. I groaned as I held waist in pain. I leaned on my closed fan to keep me up.

"TEMARI LOOK OUT!!!" Ino yelled. I had looked up and the horse tackled me, I felt so weak. Dropping my fan. I looked behind and there was a really steep hill covered in thorn bushes and twigs. Shikamaru quickly grabbed me by the waist which he had not meant to do. I groaned in pain. He accidently lost balance and we rolled down the steep hill. I could feel the thorns cutting my skin as twigs scraps my skin. I was covered in leaves, twigs and dirt. I tried stopping my self by using my hands, it only injurie my hand more. I finally hit the bottom, except someone grabbed me. Shikamaru carried me bridal style. We looked at each other.

"Shikamaru... Everything hurts... I'm exhausted, I barely have any Chakra, I'm bleeding, I have more cuts, I am sore everywhere, I have so many bruises... I can't... I can't continue like this..." I groaned. Shikamaru looks at me. I forced my eyes to stay open.

"Then rest. You need it." Shikamaru said. I stared at him. I then couldn't stay awake. I had fainted.

??? hours later...

Warmth... Soft... Familiar scent... That's all I noticed. I slowly woke up to find myself in Shikamaru's room.

Are we home...?

I sat up looking around. Yeah. This is home. I saw my fan against the wall. My clothes however... were badly torn, bloody and dirty. It had seen better days. I looked at my body. I was wearing a long sleeved turtle neck orange shirt, with white pants. My bandages on my was replaced with new ones, all of my cuts were completely gone. I felt good today. I wasn't tired or in pain anymore. I got off the bed and slowly walked to the door. I kept stumbling.

Ah... eh...My legs won't stop stumbling... I still can't seem too walk normally still... my legs still feel so sore and weak... I wonder what's Shikamaru up too. Probably sleeping... or cooking... his cook is yummy surprisingly... heh... I might as well give him a kiss...

I opened the door and saw Shikamaru was at the table asleep. He was sound asleep, resting his head on his arms.

How cute... Now I don't want to wake him up...

Shikamaru... I love you so much... I'm so happy I met you...

"Hey Pineapple head" I said as I wrapped my arms around Shikamaru and rest my head on his head. He wakes up and then looks up at me.

"Oh hey your awake. Glad to see you walking." Shikamaru said.

"mmhm." I said.

"You feel better?" Shikamaru asked.

"yeah." I said.

"Well then... before we go to the bathhouse... Can I have a kiss..?" Shikamaru asked. I smiled brightly.

"Of course! I would love too!" I said. Shikamaru turns around and kisses me. We then stared at each other's eyes. I giggled.

"I love you..." I said. He smiles. "I love you too." He then gets ups and carries me bridal style. I didn't care this time. He then left and headed to the Bathhouse. 

"Hey Shikamaru...Um..." I fiddled with my hands.

"Can...we do it together...?" I asked. Shikamaru then blushed. He then nodded. I smiled a bit.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now