▪︎Hard Part▪︎

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Shikadai was now 6 years old. Toddlers are hard to take care. They are always full of energy. Although he does have friends. When he was one, Hinata had Boruto . Sakura had returned with Sasuke with a baby Sarada... Which Temari was shocked. Ino had Inoji, And so on. 

Temari went to go wake up Shikadai. He was sleeping soundly in his bed. Temari sat on the edge of the bed.

"Wake up Shikadai. Its morning. Don't forget the playdate you have." Temari said as she nudged Shikadai. He groaned.

"Kami... your like your father..." Temari sighed. She kept nudging him. He still wouldn't get up.

"WAKE UP!" Temari yelled. Shikadai quickly sat up.

"I'm up! What a drag..." Shikadai sighed.

"Do me a favor and wake up papa while I make breakfast?" Temari asked. Shikadai nodded. He walked to the parent's room and saw his papa sleeping.

"Dad." Shikadai pulled the blanket.

"Dad! Wake up lazy!" Shikadai yelled. Shikamaru wasn't waking up. Shikadai got tired and climbed on the bed and layed down next to Shikamaru and slept. Few minutes later Temari had breakfast ready.

"Breakfast is ready!" Temari yelled. She didn't see the two pineapple head.  Temari waited for a few seconds.

"Ahem... BREAKFAST IS READY!" Temari yelled. Still nothing.

"Bakas... what now!" Temari walked in her room and saw the two sleeping. It was cute... but she wasn't letting them sleep all day.

"If you two don't get up... I'll get my fan." Temari said. Shikadai then panicked and got off. Shikamaru however, ended up getting blown away. Shikadai laughed.

"Lazy Dad!" Shikadai then ran to the kitchen to get his breakfast.

"Temari..." Shikamaru came inside the house yawning.

"Why did you have to wake me up..." Shikamaru sighed.

"Because today is parent's day. Shikadai has a playdate with his friends today. We get to see everyone all together again." Temari said.

"Mm..." Shikamaru drank his coffee.

"Yummy! Arigato Mama!" Shikadai smiled.

"Thank you." Temari smiled.


"Look it's Shikadai!" A kid yelled. Shikadai let go of Temari hand and ran to his friends.

"I'm MA- er.. Mada- ... Mamara!" Boruto yelled.

"Its Madara dummy!" Sarada said.

"I thought it was Michael Jackson" ChoCho said.

"Who- nevermind." Sarada sighed.

"Look! I drew my mama and papa!" Inoji showed an art.

"Thats cool!" ChoCho said.

"I wanna sleep..." Shikadai yawned.

"You always sleep." Sarada said.

"Oniiiii!" Himewari wobbly walked to Boruto. She was 2.

"Hey Hima!" Boruto smiled.

"Awww she is so cute!" Chocho smiled. Shikadai sighed. He yawned.

"I HAS SHARIAGGANFANFNA! I SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" Boruto yelled. He chased after everyone. Shikadai hopped up on a tree and watched everyone try to outrun Boruto. Eventually ChoCho was the first one to get tagged.

"I've captured you!" Boruto yelled.

"I'll save you Cho! I am papa- er.. Sasuke! and I shall save the day!" Sarada grabbed a twig a pretended it was a sword. She made noise pretending she was so strong. She tagged ChoCho and she was free.

"Thanks!" ChoCho smiled.

"SUSANOO!" Sarada yelled. She then realized she didn't have someone to pretend that.

"Ah... Mmm... I know!" Sarada ran to where the parents was. Shikadai wanted to go home. He then left without anyone knowing.

"Mama! Can you pretend you are Papa's Susanoo?" Sarada did her puppy eyes.

"Er... Sure!" Sakura said. She then stood up and did exactly what Sarada did, like swing her arms.

"Urk... I have my secret Weapon!" Boruto them picked up Himewari and showed it.

"The beast!!!" Boruto yelled.

"Boruto put down Himewari!" Hinata yelled. Boruto did what she said. He then noticed Shikadai was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Shikadai?" Boruto asked. His friends looked around. They didn't see him.

"Let's find him and make him the beast!" Boruto then searched for him. Sarada looked behind bushes and tree. Nothing. Inojin and ChoCho looked around at the playground. Nothing. Boruto looked up at the trees. Nothing. The group all came back together.

"Anything?" Boruto asked. Everyone shook their head no. They all ran to their parents.

"MOM! DAD!" Boruto yelled.
"MAMA!" Sarada yelled.
"MOMMY! DADDY!" Inojin yelled.
"DADDY!" Chocho yelled.

The parents were getting overwhelmed.

"Wh-Whats gotten into you all? What's wrong?" Ino asked. All the kids spoke at the same time.

"One person at a time!" Sakura said.

"Sorry. We can't find Shikadai! We looked everywhere!" Boruto yelled. Temari stood up suddenly.

"What do you mean you can't find him?!" Temari yelled. Shikamaru held Temari's shoulder.

"H-He just disappeared!" Sarada said. Temari quickly grabbed her stuff and began searching for him.

"SHIKADAI!" Temari screamed. Ino and Sakura looked at each other and nodded.

"Sai. Summon your bird. We will search high up." Ino said as she picked up Inojin. Sai pulled out his paintbrush and scroll. He then drew a bird and summoned it. They got on it and flew away searching high.

"I'll let Kakashi know." Naruto then fled to the Hokage Place.

"Hinata." Sakura said. Hinata picked up Himewari and held Boruto's hand.

"Lets look around in the market place." Sakura said as she held Sarada's hand.

"I'll look around asking people if they seen him." Choji said. ChoCho rode on his shoulder.


"Shikamaru what if he was kidnapped!? He might be lost and scared! Oh God what if someone hurted him!" Temari panicked. Shikamaru was worried as well.

"Lets go look." Shikamaru grabbed Temari's hand and searched for their son.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now