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"KYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed bloody murder. I felt heat melting me. I felt burning. I was in so much pain I passed out.

Nobody's POV

"Where is she!"

"OH MY GOD!!!"



"Oh my god... There is so much blood! She already lost so much!"






3 days after the incident...

"She probably won't wake up for a while..."

"Oh kami..."

"This is all my fault..."

"It's not..."

"She has been struggling so much!! I can't seem to ever protect her! She is just spending time in hospital most of her life... I just want her to be happy..."

"Maybe she should take a vacation. Train. Do some of her hobbies. Stuff like that."

"When will she wake up?"

"Who knows. It could be a month."


1 weeks after the incident...

"Please wake up... I miss your smile, your teasing, your voice..."


"I love you..."

3 weeks after the incident...

"Where is Temari?!"

"Oh my god Temari!!! THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY SISTER?!"

"She lost a fight to the Lava Ninjas. Well... They both lost. The Lava Ninjas weren't dying without somewhat a fight."

"You better wake her up!"

"I- I can't! Its impossible!"

"Come on pinkette! Heal her!!"

"I have! Tsunade healed her, her injuries is so critical."

"God Damnit..."

"I will say this. I'm not going to let her sleep forever... I will do everything I can to wake her up if it's taking a really long time..."


"I'll leave you guys alone."

1 month after the incident...

Temari's POV

Pain...Is all I feel. I don't know what is wrong. I feel... Alone... I don't sense any presence in the room. Why can't I open my eyes? I want to know what is wrong with me. I want to see Shikamaru and just... cry on his shoulder. Wake UP!!!!

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now