▪︎I Killed Someone▪︎

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Yep. You read that title clearly. I killed someone.... innocent... how did that happen? Well... It happened during a mission Tsunade gave team 10 including me.

"Glad you all came. I have a new mission assigned for you. Its kinda urgent." Tsunade pulled out the scroll and gave it to Shikamaru. He opened it.

"What it says?" Ino asked.

"We are in trouble. Our village will be destroyed. There are these ninjas who call them selves Lava Ninjas. They have threatened us to pay them or they will raid the village killing all of us. It's not just us. Its also the other villages that are in trouble as well. Please help us." Shikamaru red out loud.

"Lava Ninjas...?" I was curious.

"Never heard of them." Ino said.

"Are there any information on Lava Ninjas?" Shikamaru asked.

"I researched them and all I could find was this." Tsunade held a paper.

"Lava Ninjas are from Land of Volcanos. They have Ninjas that can use many different jutsu that are Lava. They can use smoke, earth, Lava, fire, and wind. They are best at attack or defense. Speed isn't the best for them. They have a unique strategy that nobody knows." Shikamaru red out loud.

"Tch... Seems risky. I think it's best if we had another team join us." I said.

"What she said." Shikamaru said.

"Mmm? Its not a bad idea... I shall send Team Guy with Sakura as well. Naruto is busy on an another mission with Sai. You are dismissed. The mission starts tomorrow morning." Tsunade said.

"Hai!" We all said and left.

"Another travel mission? What a drag..." Shikamaru said.

"It'll be interesting. I never fought against a Lava Ninja before." I said.

"They sound pretty dangerous though..." Ino said.

"I'm sure it'll be okay as long as we are careful." I said. Ino nodded in agreement.

"But do you have enough energy?" Ino asked.

"I'm fine! I feel like I'm myself again!" I said. Shikamaru sighed.

Next day...

"Yall ready?" Shikamaru said.

"Hai." We all said. And thus... the travel begins. Heading to the village that needs help.

As we were heading there, 5 ninjas suddenly appeared. They had a red outfit. We all got our guard on.

"Step away from the village and we won't kill you..." The ninjas said.

"I'm afraid we must go to this village. It is our mission. And we aren't going home." Shikamaru said.

"Very well... you all shall meet your grave. LAVA STYLE: INFERNO WAVE!!!" All ninjas slammed their hands on the ground and suddenly a huge wave of hot burning Lava was coming in our way.

"TENTEN! SUMMON OCEAN UP IN THE AIR!" I yelled. She nodded and jumped up and summon the ocean.

"WIND STYLE: CAST NET!!!" I yelled. I swung a powerful gust at the water making a powerful water gun ish. It had made the Lava dry up and became solid.

"Nice job you two! Split up!" Shikamaru yelled. We all nodded and split up.

"Oh not so fast leaf ninjas." The Lava Ninjas said. They also split up. I was with Tenten running. We were going to try to lose them then return back together... but we had made a horrible idea to go this way. We had ran into an army of Lava Ninjas.

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