▪︎Strange Place Part 2▪︎

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Temari wrote down Information about everything different in this world.


Team 7 (old picture, The characters right now are older age)

Team 7 (old picture, The characters right now are older age)

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Naruto: ???

Sasuke: Jinchuuriki of Kurma. Has no parents. Happy person. Likes Sakura.

Sakura: is nice. Not a Medical ninIs very strong.

Team 8

Hinata: ???

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Hinata: ???

Kiba: Cat user. Still acts the same.

Shino: still odd.

Team 9

Tenten: is not a weapon user but a jutsu user

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Tenten: is not a weapon user but a jutsu user.

Lee: is very strong and acts very mature. He is mostly the leader.

Neji: is exactly like hinata. Shy.

Team 10

Shikamaru: is on a mission?

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Shikamaru: is on a mission?

Ino: very kind and is an expert medical ninja.

Choji: a healthy person who doesn't eat alot of things.

Other Information...

Kushina is the Hokage.

Temari is a Jinchuuriki of Shukaku and a Kazekage. People don't seem to like her.


"I wonder what happened to Hinata and Naruto..?" I wondered.

"Who knows?" Shikamaru said.

"I do." Someone said. We looked behind and it was Kushina.

"Wh- huh?! W-wait let us explain! We are not who you guys think we are!" I yelled.

"Oh I know. I can tell you guys aren't from here at all. Your from a different world I assume?" Kushina said.

"How... Nevermind that. That seems to be the case." Shikamaru said.

"I'll tell the teams to stop attacking you. They can explain everything. I'm sure they would love to help you out." Kushina smiled.

Training Grounds

"We are so sorry!" Sakura bowed down a lot.

"Its alright." I said.

"A different world... interesting..." Lee said.

"Soo.... Your not the Kazekage? Or a Jinchuuriki?" Sasuke asked. I shook no.

"I'm just a chunin. That's it. My brother Gaara is the Kazekage." I said.

"Gaara? Really? Your older brother is the Kazekage.. cool!" Ino said.

"Er... He is my younger brother... wait so... I'm like a completely different person here." I said.

"Seems like it." Kiba said.

"Where is Naruto and Hinata?" Shikamaru asked. Everyone was silent. They all looked sad. Especially Sakura and Sasuke.

"Well.... uh... how should I say this..." Ino sighed.

"Hinata... Well... she is dead." Kiba said. I gasped.

"H-How?!" I yelled.

"Its my fault... We were in the war. Sasuke was in trouble and he was going to die. I jumped in front of him protecting him, but Hinata did the same and died. I miss her. She was so wise and serious, but she has a kind heart.. poor thing had a curse mark as well.." Sakura said.

"Oh... Wow... Sorry about that..." I said.

"Naruto betrayed Konoha." Lee said.

"Naruto didn't! He wouldn't do that! There still has to be a reason for this!!" Sasuke yelled.

"He said he wanted to destroy Konoha. He is not good person anymore!" Tenten said.

"Nevermind... that... how do we get you guys back into your world?" Sasuke asked.

"We don't know." Shikamaru said.

"Well... Kushina is working on it. While we wait.. I wanna know what we are in your world." Ino said.

"Well uh..." I sighed.

"Shikamaru is a lazyass but very smart" I said

"H-hey" Shikamaru sighed.

"Choji eats alot.
Ino is kind and owns a flower shop.
Sakura is a medical ninja. She punches Naruto a lot.
Sasuke betrayed Konoha.
Naruto is a Jinchuuriki and a hero.
Tenten is a weapon specialist.
Shino is a bug user.
Hinata is shy and blushes around Naruto.
Lee is very hyper and loud. He is good at close combat.
Neji is very wise and serious.
Kiba is a dog user.

Kushina is..well dead.
Tsnunade is the Hokage." I said.

"I betrayed..?" Sasuke said.

"A weapon... specialist... tch.. lame.." Tenten said.

"I can't believe I'm hyper in your world. It's a shame." Lee said.


Neji fainted.

"Eh?" I said.

"Ah.. Tenten got too close to Neji." Ino said.

"Have you guys tried the release jutsu?" Sasuke asked. We nodded.

"Strange..... Oh also Temari.. try not to go into the streets. In our world. Many people Don't like you... its because people see you as a monster." Sasuke said.

I'm like... Gaara... so this is what its like... it's... horrible...

"Ah.. okay..." I said.

"This is really troublesome..." Shikamaru groaned.

"Of Course it is Pineapple." I said.

"P-Pineapple?" Shikamaru looks at me.

"You look like one." I smirked. He pokes my cheeks.

" I ship hard." Sakura said.

"EHH?!" I yelled. They all laughed. Kushina arrived with Minato.

"Did they give you plenty of Information?" Kushina asked. We nodded.

"Oh good. So far there is a way to get you out of here... but it requires a certain scroll." Kushina said.

"Oh goodie..." Shikamaru sighed. I hit him with my elbow.

"I'll send out the team to go get it." Kushina said.

"Sweet!" I said.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now