▪︎Warm Hug▪︎

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Temari's POV

I groanly woke up, I was on Shikamaru's lap. My cheeks felt really cold. My waist hurted. My body was exhausted.

Can't I be on a mission where I don't get hurt everytime..

I sighed. Shikamaru noticed and looks at me. I had barely opened my eyes. I looked into Shikamaru's eyes.

"You woke up... Don't worry... We are almost done with the mission..." Shikamaru said. I still had a frown on my face. I just snuggled up. At this point I don't feel strong at all. I feel like a weak lady. I'm a burden to everyone. Always in trouble, always sad. Its like I was born to have a horrible life. I didn't realized I was crying.

"Hey... Don't cry..." Shikamaru rubbed my cheeks.

"I'm... a.... Burden...ain't I?" I asked. Shikamaru looks at me with disbelief.

"Hell no! You were protecting Delta. You sacrificed yourself for her. You protect your family and friends by replacing that person with safety and putting yourself into danger. That's what makes you strong. Your brave enough to do that." Shikamaru said. That... Made so much more sense. Can't believe I was blind to not know that. I guess I do really love protecting loved ones. I chuckled and smiled.

"Arigato..." I said. I then noticed he was looking out through the window. I wanted a kiss.

"Shikamaru...?" I said. He looks at me. I smiles as I point at my lips. He understood what I wanted and kissed me on the lips. His kisses always made me feel all warm and cuddly inside. It was a really nice feeling.

"GAH!!! MORE NINJAS!!!!!!!" One man yelled. Shikamaru quickly got up. I got up as well but stumbled a lot. My legs were weak and numb. I didn't care. I grabbed my fan and jumped out. I was then attacked by some other ninjas. I blocked them with my fan and then swung it.

"WIND STYLE: CAST NET!!" I yelled. I created a large powerful gust blowing the group of ninjas away. One charged at me. I dropped my fan and slid under them and then sliced them with my razor fans. I then grabbed my large fan. Another one came after me. I jumped up and stepped on his face to give me boost. I swung my large fan again and used the same Jutsu. There were so many ninjas. Once I landed, one ninja grabbed my hands. I kicked his groin then swung my leg at his legs, making him fall. Two ninjas swung their katanas at me. I dodged them and ran at them. I then hit one ninja's stomach with my large closed fan. I kicked the other ninja's face. Suddenly one caught me off guard and grabbed my neck and slammed me against the ground. I gasped as I tried to loosen his grip from neck. I then saw Shadow wrapping the ninja making him let me go. I quickly got back on my feet and punched the ninja's face away. I looked over. It was Shikamaru. He then ran to me and was behind me.

"Arigato. Shall we finish this off?" I asked.

"Its a drag but I may as well do it." Shikamaru teased. I rolled my eyes. I then swung my fan creating a tornado. Trapping a bunch of ninjas in there. Shikamaru then had shadow go into the tornado. It became a black shadow tornado. Once the tornado subsided, all of the ninjas fell to the ground unable to move. Shikamaru had possessed every Ninja that was trapped in the tornado. I then tied them up.

"Damn Temari!! I saw you fighting, You were pretty badass!" Ino said.

"Haven't fought like that for a while. It was fun." I said. I then leaned against the carriage with my hand. I felt pain again.

"T-Temari?" Shikamaru held my shoulder.

"I-I'm fine... I think I opened my wound..." I said as I only had one eye open with a painful expression.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now