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Temari woke up in a room. All tied up. Her mouth was covered up.

"MmMmMMmamhHmam!!!" Temari screams were muffled. Eventually the man appeared.

"Seems like your awake finally. I'll be using you as a trade for Gaara." The man spoke. Temari had recognized the voice. Her eyes widen.

"Seems like you know me. You remember well..." The man took off his mask and revealed his face. His name was Doku. One of the Sand's most wanted person.

"I see that you are starting a family... Congrats..." Doku chuckled. Temari was pissed.

"Don't worry. I'm not touching you. I don't plan to." Doku said.

"Now rest as much as you can... we have a long day tomorrow..." Doku smirked as he left the room. Temari looked around. She tried moving her hands. Only to make it tighter and start to give her blisters on her wrist.
She then tried to move her legs. It was tied up as well. She was completely restrained on the chair. She had no choice but to wait. All she could do was cry. She wanted Shikamaru so badly.

The team went out searching for Temari. They had no luck so far. Not a single clue was seen. The sun was setting. Shikamaru wasn't giving up though.

"Shikamaru. Its getting late. We need to set up a camp." Kiba said.

"I... Know but not yet! We need to keep searching! And-" Shikamaru felt Kiba holding his shoulder. He then groaned.

"Temari will be okay. She is strong." Gaara said.

"Even pregnant." Gaara added.

"Fine." Shikamaru then jumped on the treee and sat down. His mind was filled with things that could happen to Temari. He was deeply worried. Suddenly one ninja appeared and had thrown a scroll at them then left.

"The hell? What's in this scroll?" Kiba asked.

"Its a letter... I'll read it out loud." Hinata said.

"Dear Leaf Ninja... I am the one who kidnapped the Sand Village precious princess. I want to do a trade. Temari for Gaara. Meet me at the Land of fire border. I will see you tomorrow... if I don't see you... I'll kill her. From... Doku..." Hinata read out loud. Kankuro and Gaara eyes widen.

"Doku is one of the Sand's most wanted. He use dangerous poison to kill people. He has been attacking to take Gaara." Kankuro said.

"Damnit!" Shikamaru said.

Next Day...

Temari was seriously sore everywhere. She was sick again. Doku forced her to keep walking.

"Mm..mM.h.mm.." Temari mumbled. She wanted a break. So badly. She could fall to her knees at any time but if she did, Doku was going to punish her with a punch. Eventually they arrived at the border. Doku then tied Temari neck to toes with ropes. He then covered her with explosion tag. One on her mouth too.

"Now... let's see if your friends will come..." Doku smirked. Temari was seriously scared. They waited and waited and so on till they finally came.

"TEMARI!!" Shikamaru saw her. Temari began screaming for him but her screams were muffled.

"Let. Her. Go!" Shikamaru threatened.

"Oh so scary. Wow. Then give me Gaara." Doku said. Gaara sighed.

"I refuse to." Gaara said.

"Tsk... that's a shame... I guess I shall ignite the tags... and watch Temari explode! Doesn't that sound fun!" Doku laughed.

"fight me sand boy! COME HERE YOU MONSTER!!! I'LL KILL HER!" Doku yelled.

"Don't..." Kankuro said. Gaara wasn't planning too.

"I have money. I have valuable things. Just give Temari back." Shikamaru said.

"I don't need money... I just want power!" Doku grinned.

"Tick... Tock...Tick...Tock... Time is running out... Make your choice now. Don't even think about tricking me..." Doku said.

"Fine." Gaara said. He then walked up to Doku.

"Good choice..." Doku smirked.

"Now let go of her." Gaara said.

"Will do... oh! Whoops!" Doku set the wire on fire and it had caused the tags to ignite. Exploding.

"TEMARI!!!!!!!!!!" Shikamaru screamed. He then charged at Doku. He was pissed. Shikamaru fought him. Till Doku threw a poison bomb at him. He accidentally inhaled it. He felt his throat closing. His body panicked. He was struggling to breathe.

Suddenly Temari out of nowhere had jumped on Doku and stabbed him with a kunai.

"GAH! WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ALIVE!?" Doku yelled. He threw Temari away.

"NGAH!... ngh...ah.... S-Shadow Clone..." Temari groaned. She was on the ground trying to stand up.

"You bitch... now die!" Doku then swung his sword at her. However a puppet appeared in front of her. Grabbing the sword and throwing it away. Temari was then picked up by sands. She was being pulled to Gaara.

"W-Wait! Shikamaru!" Temari looked behind and saw Shikamaru suffocating. He was on his knees grabbing his neck. Temari was free from the sand and ran toward Shikamaru holding her breathe. She pulled Shikamaru away from the fight. Kiba, Shino, Hinata, and Kankuro were fighting Doku and some other ninjas.

"Shikamaru! Hang in there!" Temari cried. She took Shikamaru's mic.

"We need a medic! Shikamaru has been poisoned by Doku. We are at the border of land of fire. Please Hurry!" Temari reported.

"Hai. I am close. I'm heading towards there." A Medical ninja reported.

Temari looked at Shikamaru who kept gasping. He squirmed a lot.

"Oh Kami... Bear with it just a little bit longer! Don't you dare give up on me! I will beat your ass if you do!" Temari sobbed. She was frustrated she couldn't do anything to help him at this moment. The medic had arrived. She quickly got on her knees and pulled out the antidote. She then popped the lid open and stuck it in Shikamaru's neck. It had stopped him from suffocating. The medic had her hand glow green and hovered around his body.

"Will he be okay?!" Temari asked.

"The poison is strong. The antidote should keep him from dying but if we don't get him to the hospital before tomorrow... he'll die." The medic said. Temari's heart sank.

"Lets go!" Gaara yelled. They had successfully captured Doku. Everyone quickly rushed back to Konoha.

"Ah...I can't keep up..." Temari mumbled. She was out of energy.

"We are almost there. Bear with it!" Kiba said.


They finally reached and Temari followed the medic with Shikamaru to the hospital. Sakura saw them when they arrived inside.

"Oh thank God your safe. Is Shikamaru okay!?" Sakura said as she inspected Shikamaru.

"He has been poisoned by Doku." The medic said. It had made Sakura gasp. She then quickly took Shikamaru into the emergency room. Temari was scared.

"We will call you when we are done. You should go home and rest." The medic said. Temari walked back home scared. She hugged her arms as she arrived at home. She ran to the bed and sobbed uncontrollably. She didn't want to lose Shikamaru. She didn't want to lose someone she loved. Temari felled asleep in her own tears.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now