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I was now 18 and I'm a chunin

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I was now 18 and I'm a chunin. As days go by, I get even more depressed. Kids won't stop bullying me, kids won't be friends with me because of Gaara, I had nobody but my siblings. I do have friends over in Konoha but they are so far away. I don't talk to my siblings as often like I used too. I just hid. I had to take care of them after Papa left us. I have to fake my smiles to them so they don't worry about me.

I was in bed crying. Until I heard my door open. I quickly wiped my tears away and looked at the door. It was my siblings. I faked my smiles. "Didn't I teach you to knock on doors." I said.

"Sis..Uh... are you okay? Gaara said he heard you crying." Kankuro asked. "I wasn't crying. Thank you for your concern though." I lied. "I heard you cry. You were mumbling how lonely you were." Gaara said as he stared at me. I stayed silent. I looked away. "Can you leave..." I said.
"Temari.. Is there anything we can do..?" Kankuro asked. I ignored them. They left me alone.

I don't want to stay here anymore... I want to leave... I'm sorry Gaara and Kankuro... Stay safe...

I grabbed my bag and packed it with supplies. Then I grabbed my fan. I left the house by using the window. I took one look back at my home.

"Goodbye.." I said as I left Sand Village. I was starting to regret my choices but I wanted to leave. They didn't want to come with. I will be fine. I walked on the sandy hills. It was dark out. The air was cool.

Sand Desert

The sun began to rise as I kept walking. The heat began to hit. Everything was all hot. I could feel the hot sun burning my skin as it rises. I grabbed a odd looking coat and had it cover my shoulder to prevent myself getting sunburnt. The heat was still unbearable. I panted at every step I took. I started to think this was a horrible idea. I had no way to turn back. It was fine though. I was strong. I won't let some heat make me stop.

After a few minutes...

There was huge mountains and cliff. There was shade. I decided to have a break. I walked to the shade. I needed water so I pull out a bottle full of water. I drank little bits of water. I ate some food. I watch the sand blow away.

I'm sure my brother found out I'm gone...

I looked up at the clear sky. Wondering where I should go. I had no idea where I was heading to. I don't travel, but I knew what to do when traveling. I got out of the shade and continued walking.

After what felt for hours... I started to panic. There was never ending sight of sand. I didn't see anything yet. I was probably no where near anything but sand! I was running out of water. I was panting so much. The heat was destroying me. I couldn't stop thinking about my brothers. I realized at how much I missed them already. I was getting exhausted from walking. It was middle of the day and I'm already struggling. I was probably going to die out here. I eventually accepted my fate but I stilled continued walking. Suddenly some traveler comes my way.

"What's a girl doing out here alone?" The traveler asked me.

"Running away..." I panted. I continued to walk. Suddenly they grabbed me and tried to take my bag. I fought them and pull out my fan. I did my wind jutsu and made them get blown away. I then realized I had dropped my water and now I have an empty bottle. I was upset. There was no shelter near by. I was seriously doomed. I ran instead of walking. Hoping I could find something. I been running for hours and nothing. I stopped panting. Suddenly something had bit my leg. I winced and looked down to see a snake had bit me. It disappeared quickly.

Damnit... I hope I'm not poisoned...

I was having a hard time breathing. I felt horrible. I was defiantly poisoned. I could feel my body getting numb. I then spotted a mountain with a cave. I hurried walking over to the cave and I fell on my back. I was numb. I sobbed to myself knowing that there's nobody looking for me and I was going to die. My leg swelled up from the poison. It was really painful. could feel my eyes closing. Eventually it did. I could feel my breathing get heavier.

I..I'm so sorry...

Oddly, I was still able to hear everything, I just couldn't move or be awake. I still struggled breathing.

After when I thought all hope was lost, I heard someone. It sounded like it was ninjas, I assumed they were going to steal my bag and kill me, but I was wrong. I recognized their voice.

It was team 10. Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, and Asuma. They were on a mission and were going to use the cave to camp until they saw me.

"What the..? Temari?!"

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now