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Shikamaru's POV

I ran so fast. Trying to make the beast not attack me. There was a cliff and I jumped over the cliff. Looking down to see nothing but rocks. It was far down. I looked up ahead. I grabbed my kunai and as I fell, I latched the wall and stopped myself from falling. The beast jumped as well and it was going to fall on top of me. I quickly moved and got further to the sides. It didn't hit me but its claw latched onto the rocky walls. It then looked at me. I tried to jump up and escape but it grabbed my leg and pulled me down throwing me into the ground. I used my shadows to create a net and break my fall. I then landed safely and continued running. It the fell. When it hit the ground, the claws crushed the ground. It was like Sakura's Punch. It then looked up at me and ran.

When will it give up?? It was going to keep chasing after till it gets me... This isn't good. I need to shake it off. The forest, but I'm down here at this crack. There is a forest at the end. I need to keep running.

I ran till the beast ran on the wall punching it. It was causing a rock fall. I quickly ran and used my shadows to protect me, but it didn't protect me from everything. One hit my shoulder and it was bruised and scratched. I held my shoulder, and kept running. I was just about to enter the forest until it jumped over my head and blocked my only way out. It's head twitched. It then swung its arm around trying to scratch me. I dodged all of them. I used my shadow sewing to hold both of its arm and held it to the ground. This was my chance to escape. I ran into the forest but of course it escaped and ran after me. I took a bunch of turns, It ran through the trees breaking them.

Damnit... Is there really no escape in this?

I was unsure if I was going to escape out alive. I kept running. I was starting to run out of energy. I was slowing down. It eventually caught up to me and pounced on top of me. It pushed its hands against my back into the ground. I tried to use the jutsu but then I felt it taking my Chakra away.

"D-Damnit.." I cursed. I looked back to see what it was going to do. It then grabbed me and slammed me into the tree knocking me out. I was out.

Temari's POV

I leaned over to grab my plate with my lunch. It then suddenly broke. Cracks appeared. My eyes widen. I was confused. Also concerned. Sakura then came inside.

"Sakura?" I looked at Sakura who was checking on my chest. She looked up at me.

"Where is Shikamaru? He hasn't visited yet. I have a bad feeling." I said. I was hoping that Sakura will say that Shikamaru overslept but that wasn't the case.

"I heard his team left Konoha to defeat this beast that was destroying the forest. They should be back anytime. Don't worry." Sakura said. She redid the bandages on my chest. I then saw Shikamaru come inside the room. "Speaking of him. He is here." Sakura said.

"Hey Temari. How are you feeling." His smile made me happy. Ino and Choji was here too. I gave Shika a thumbs up.

"Hows did the mission go?" I asked. "Bad.. We had to escape. My mind transfer didn't work. Our plan didn't work. It was really strong." Ino said.

" I need some help too..." Ino showed her bloody forehead. Sakura had Ino sit down and she scanned her forehead and then began healing.

"Hey Shika. Don't forget to have Sakura heal your back. You got hit remember." Ino said. Her forehead stopped bleeding. Shikamaru was silent. He looked away. I was concerned. Suddenly he went poof.

"S-sh-shadow clone?!" Ino was speechless. "Where is he?!" Choji yelled. "The beast could tell which one is the real clones.... Wait.... No...Shikamaru is still out there with the beast!" Ino panicked. My heart skipped a beat.

"WHAT!?!" I yelled. "Choji lets go!" Ino said. Choji nodded. "W-WAIT!" I yelled. They stopped.

"Let me go with you! I would be helpful! I don't want anything bad happening to him!" I cried.

"You are still recovering! You shouldn't push yourself!" Sakura said. I pushed Sakura away. I took off my mask and got off the bed. I then grabbed my clothes. It was sewed thanks to Ino. I quickly put it on and grabbed my fan. I fixed my hair. Sakura knew there was no way stopping me.

"Please.. be careful." Sakura told me. I nodded. I ran with Ino and Choji. "SHIKAMARU! ANWSER!" Ino yelled. She had a earphone. They used it to communicate. No response. Ino was worried. I looked at her.

Shikamaru. I swear to god... You better be okay...

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