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Temari's POV

We all ran for what felt like hours. We knew where the Atasuki member base was so it was easy to find the place. Once we arrived, there was probably 20 beast lurking around. We all hid in the trees. We had a plan. I jumped down. Opened my fan, and got ready.

"HEY DIPSHITS! COME GET ME!" I yelled. All of the beast came after me.

"WIND STYLE: SEA DRAGON!!!" I yelled. They all got trapped in it. Naruto then used his clones and threw a bunch of rasengan at the tornadoes. Tenten summoned a bunch of weapons at the tornadoes as well. Everyone used their attack. Eventually killing the beast. The plan worked.

"Nice one Temari!" Kankuro praised.

Shikamaru's POV

I heard a bunch of noise. It was our friends. I had smiled until Kemono came back. He grabbed Ino's hair again and pulled her out of the room.

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH HER!" I yelled. He didn't say anything and left with Ino.

"INO!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I was scared what he was planning to do. He returned and grabbed both of us. He took us in a room. He tied us to the wall. Beast were everywhere in the room. I saw Ino crying. She was in the corner.

"Just you wait..." Kemono smirked.

Temari's POV

We all rushed inside. Looking in each room. Nothing. Suddenly I heard a scream. It sounded like Ino.

"INO?!" Sakura screamed. We all quickly ran to a big room.

"S-SHIKA!!!" I yelled. I was so happy he was okay. Then the member came out.

"Welcome to the show..." He was holding Ino's hair. I was pissed. How could he even think to harm them. We are going to murder this member.

"Let go of her." Neji said. Kemono smirked.
"I'm afraid I can't. I am willing to make a trade though. You can only make it today... If you let me take over Land of Fire... I'll give back team 10 alive. If you refuse. I'll kill them right now." The beast had their claws right against the boy's neck.

My eyes widen. I looked at everyone and they were unsure what to do. I looked at Shikamaru and noticed he had a plan. He was making signs, I saw shadows behind him. He looked at me with a smile. I knew the plan. I walked ahead.

"So what your saying is that if we let you take over, we will have everyone back?" I said.

"Temari what are you doing?" Kankuro said.

"Why yes.. do you have any objections?" Kemono asked.

"No... I don't, but I don't have any acceptance for that trade." I pulled out my fan.

Kemono glared

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Kemono glared. He walked up to me. Kankuro tried to run at me but the beast blocked them.
Kemono looked right at my pissed face.

"Do you have any idea who your messing with..?" He said.

"I think you got it all mixed up. Do YOU have any idea who your messing with?" I smirked. He scofted. I hit him with the fan. He jerked back and black feathers appeared on his back. It was wings. He then rose his arm. 20 more beast appeared from the ground.

"This fight... will only include you. Your friends can't help you.." He said.

"What a drag..." I said. I swung my fan at him. He dodged and he tackled into me. I blocked it and I grabbed on his wings and stabbed it with my Kunai. I then slapped him in the head with my fan. He landed and looked at me. Something doesn't feel right. He was in front of me all the sudden. Threw my fan away and grabbed me. He flew up. Breaking out of the ceiling. I was going up the sky. Shikamaru breaks free and released Choji and Ino. Shikamaru saw me get higher and higher.

"TEMARI!!!!!!!!" He screamed.I was going so high. I looked down and I couldn't even see where we came out of. I squirmed around trying to push Kemono away. He kept going. He then stopped. He looks at me.

"Are you ready to die..?" He asked. My eyes widen. "I won't drop you if you let me have Konoha." I stayed quiet. As I was just about to answer, he let go of me. My heart sank. I let go a scream as I was falling to my death. I didn't have my fan. I had no escape.

"SHIKAMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

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