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I lied on the ground. Bleeding. I stabbed myself. Twice. Trying to hit my heart. I waited for my death. I had my eyes still open. The sandstorm subsided. I saw something bright. It was someone standing. 

"Oh..Temari.. I'm sorry... I wished I was able to be here for you and your siblings..." 

It was my mother. 

"m....m-....m-mama...?" I mumbled weakly. 

"Temari.. You can't give up.. You still have so much in life. I love you.. Please keep fighting... for me.. please... don't die.... tell the boys I said hi..." Mom spoke and then she disappeared.  

I was running out of time. I pushed myself off the ground. I wobbly walked back to where I could see grass. Once I stepped on the grass. I fell on the ground. Falling face on the wet grass. I watched the world fade away. I closed my eyes. 

Shikamaru's POV

I was running trying to find Temari. The guards said she left mumbling about death. I quickly ran out of Konoha. The brothers followed me. I was crossing my fingers hoping nothing bad happened to her.

"Will we find her big bro..?" Gaara asked Kankuro. 

"We have to! She is our big Sis. Plus she found love. She found happiness and I had to go and ruin it." I could tell Kankuro was guilty. 

"We will find her. I promise." I told the boys. They nodded. I noticed a headband on the ground. It was Temari's 
"Temari..." Gaara said. I held on it tighty. 

"Something tells me she isn't okay..." 

After a few hours of running... 

I noticed something. We were about to enter the desert until I saw blood spots. I followed the trail of blood drips. Until I found her. Temari... 

"TEMARI!!!" I screamed. The boys ran to me and saw Temari's lifeless body. They were crying. I ran to her holding her. She had two stab wounds. I noticed she was holding a bloody kunai... 

"no..she wouldn't do this.." I told myself. 

I checked her pulse. There was a faint beat, but she was still alive. I carried her in a bridal way. I saw her body drooping. Her breathing was barely there. Her body was getting cold. Her skin was getting pale. 

Some ninja attacked us then. They were goung to kill Temari quickly. I dodged them.

"Go ahead!!!" Gaara yelled. I nodded.

I ran for dear life. I ran so fast I probably broke the record for running the fastest in my life. I was close to crying. I already lost two important people to me... Asuma... Dad....I'm not losing anyone!!

"Temari.. don't give up!! I love you! Don't give up! This isn't a drag for me. I will do anything to save you" I told Temari.

Konoha Streets

Nobody's POV

"Good we are here!" I yelled. I then saw Sakura. I quickly ran to her. I heard her gasped when she saw Temari. 

"please Sakura! Help her!" I begged. Sakura nodded. "we need to go to the hospital!" Sakura yelled. 

Konoha Hospital

Shikamaru, Kankuro, and Gaara watched Sakura try to save Temari.

Sakura quickly lay Temari on the hospital bed. Her hands glowed green. She then hovered it above the stab wounds. She made the bleeding stop. The nurse had Temari wear a breathing masks. There was tubes that went down her nose. Sakura then began to closes the stab wounds. They were running out of time. Temari was dying quickly. She needed blood quickly. Sakura cut herself and took almost 1 pint of blood out of herself. She was going to donate blood to Temari. She then gave Temari blood. She then closed the wounds quickly. There a long beep. Temari's heart stopped beating. 

Shikamaru eyes widen. 

"Shit!" Sakura said. She layed both of her hands on Temari's chest. A shock went through Temari. Nothing. 

"sis...no..." Kankuro voice broke. 

"Nothing. I am trying again!" Sakura said. She gave Temari another shock. Still nothing.

"Temari... I'm so sorry.." Shikamaru looked away with tears.  

"Last Try!" Sakura gave Temari the final shock. There was beeping. Sakura sighed in relief. Shikamaru was happy Temari didn't die. 

Sakura tried to get Temari's breathing stable. Temari was no longer dying. 

"Temari will be okay." Sakura told everyone. Everyone let out this sigh of relief. 

"Thank god.. Thank you Sakura.." Shikamaru was extremely graceful... 

Hospital Room

Temari's POV

Everything hurts. It feels like I been shocked many times. It feels like something is in my nose. 

"I'm not... dead..? "

I slowly opened my eyes. I was in the hospital. I turned my head to see if anyone was here. Shikamaru was here, so was my brothers. They were sitting in the chairs. They noticed I was awake. Kankuro immediately cried. 

"S-S-S-SIS!!!" Kankuro bawled. Gaara was smiling. Shikamaru had this face of happiness. His eyes were a bit pink. 

"Was.. He crying..? "

"...h...i..." I was weak. I couldn't talk very well. I turned my head back to its resting place. I was looking foward. 

"s..orry..." I said. 
"I...saw..mama....she said...hi.." I smiled weakly. Of course it made Kankuro cry even more. I noticed something. Gaara... was crying. I have never seen him cried before. It was nice to see Gaara have some emotions.

Shikamaru walked to me. He gave me a kiss on my forehead. 

"sh..ika..?" I blushed. "Don't ever do that again... you scared all of us..." Shikamaru said. 

"pr-promis..." I said.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now