▪︎Please Don't Tease▪︎ (Small Lemon)

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"Shikamaru... What are you doing...?" I asked. Shikamaru got on top of me and got close to my ear.

"I want to feel you..." He whispered. I had blushed so hard. I felt my body getting strange. Shikamaru rubbed my waist and he licked my neck. My breathing got heavy. I was getting so aroused so quickly.

I woke up realizing it was dream. I noticed Shikamaru was still holding me as he walked. The sun now started to set.

Now I'm wet... kami...

I blushed and pretended to be asleep. I didn't want Shikamaru to see me all horny. Shikamaru looks at me and chuckles.

"Kami... Why are you so cute... heh... I'm seriously lucky... I met one of the greatest woman I've ever met." Shikamaru spoke softly. I was turning red.

"Temari... Are you awake? Or are you having a... fun dream?" Shikamaru softly said. I then woke up pushing his face.

"I WAS PRETENDING TO SLEEP YOU DUMMY!!!" I said. I then stopped and looked away avoiding contact. I closed my legs tightly. I was tensing up. Shikamaru noticed.

"You alright?" He asked. I didn't respond. Shikamaru sighed.

"We should camp here for tonight." Ino said. Shikamaru set me down. I was going to go crazy if I didn't do anything about this.

"I-I'll be right back. I need a bathroom break." I lied. I then ran off not too far. I looked around making sure nobody was near by. I then leaned against a tree.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I then crouched down and took off my pantie. I then played with my clit. I could feel my juice. I was very wet. I then inserted a finger inside me, more juice fell. Searching for my G-Spot. Once I found it, I inserted another finger and began massaging my G-Spot. I moaned then bit my dress trying to be quiet. Chills ran up my spine as I played with myself. I then stopped playing with my clit and groped my breast. I stopped biting on my dress.

"S..Shika... oh...kami...ah....hah..." I moaned quietly.

Ino's POV

"Temari has been gone for a while. Ima go check on her." I said. I got up and headed where I saw Temari headed too. I then heard some noise.

"Ah...hah... this....feels.. good...kami....ngh...mmm..." Temari moaned. I immediately blushed.

Wa-Was Temari... playing with herself...??

"Sh-Shika...Why...did you tease... me so much...ah...oh kami.....ha..." Temari moaned.

Ooohh I see... I should make Shikamaru come over here... hehe...

I walked back to Shikamaru.

"Everything fine?" Shikamaru asked. I acted out. I made myself look concerned.

"I could hear her crying. I asked if she was okay. She said she needed a break. You should talk to her Shikamaru." I lied.

"Something tells me things will get wild over there!" My inner Ino said.

"Ah. I'll go talk to her." Shikamaru got up and walked to Temari.

Have fun you two...

Shikamaru's POV

Why is she crying...? Did I do something...?

I heard noise... It wasn't tears... It was... moans..?

"Oh Shika... I wish this was you... ah..Hah...This feels so good.... Why did you....ah... make me so....horny...." Temari moaned.

Oh shit.... What have I done... Ay.... I guess I do owe her something... I might as well still tease her..

Temari's POV

I fingered myself, I started to get rougher. I was about to reach climax until I heard someone.

"You having fun over there?" Shikamaru said. I had immediately put back my underwear freaking out. I hid my wet hand behind my back when I saw him appear.

"Wh-What Do you mean?!" I said. He then grabbed my wet hand.

"You been playing with yourself...?" Shikamaru asked. I looked away nodding as I turned as red as a tomato.

"Baka... You did this to me..." I said. He then grabbed both of my wrist and pushed me against the tree. He held my wrist above me. He then nibbled on my neck. It had made me whimper a tiny bit. I bit my lip trying not to make a noise. I closed my eyes. Shikamaru began sucking on my neck.

"h-Hey...ow...ngh....mmm...." I winced. "D-Don't leave a mark..." I said. He ignored me and kept kissing my neck until it was covered in bruises. He then stared into my eyes. He then kissed me on the lips. I tried to fight him off but his tongue won dominance and swirled around my tongue. I eventually was in rhythm with Shikamaru. I was so lost in lust that I didn't even know if I was even breathing. He then stopped, our string of saliva connected, it eventually broke off. I panted as I looked at his face. His hand then went to my crotch.

"W-Wait... Not here..." I said. Shikamaru looks at me in disappointment.

"Wait...till we are truly alone..." I said as I tried catching my breath. Shikamaru sighed.

"This is troublesome..." He then let go of my wrist. Before he left, I grabbed his hand.

"How... Bad is it on my neck...?" I asked. He looks at my neck.

"er.... Its pretty bad... sorry about that... You have like... 1..2..3..4..... 8 hickeys on your neck." Shikamaru said.

"E-EIGHT?" I said. I held my neck. It hurted a bit. I took off my ninja band and put it on my neck.

"It'll do for now... now.. lets uh... head back..." I said. He nodded. We walked back to Choji and Ino. We avoided contact.

"You good Temari?" Choji asked. I nodded quickly. I then noticed Ino was smirking. I was even more hornier, I just wanted to be home. Letting Shikamaru take me.

"Well Ima sleep. I'm really tired." Ino yawned. She got into her tent. I just sat by the fireplace. Choji then went to his tent. I still stayed out with Shikamaru. 

"So...Um... When we get back... Can I go to the bathhouse..?" I asked. 

"Of course you can." Shikamaru smiled. I smiled back. Then Shikamaru did something I would never even think he would do. He grabbed my breast making me jump. 

"E-EH!? SHIKAMARU!!!" I pushed him away. He laughed. I puffed up in annoyance. I couldn't help it but laugh as well. He then kissed my forehead. 

"Make sure you get sleep. I'm going bed." Shikamaru then headed in his tent.

God... I love him so much...

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now