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After a week...

I was still at the hospital.. still wearing that damn mask. It gets so stuffy and sweaty.

Stupid mask...

I worn the mask because it made my breathing calm. Like I was sleeping. It does that so the stitches in my lungs doesn't come apart. It also made me calm.

I rolled over on my side looking out through the window. Cherry blossom petals fall from the sky, the sun is shining over everything, the sky was clear. It was pretty.

"Can't believe you would actually do something like that.." I heard someone. So I looked over my shoulder. It was my somewhat rival Tenten. She leaned between the doorway crossing her arms.

"...mm...what do you want airhead.." I said with an annoyed voice.
"Currently checking on you." Tenten said. Tch. Checking on me?

I looked away.

Tenten sighed. "Look.. even after that chunin fight. I still think your my friend, even though you do get on my nerves alot. Can we maybe forget the past for now and think of us as friends. I'm worried about you." Tenten said. I didn't want to show how I felt. I just stayed silent.

"Lee and I were going to train until I noticed Shikamaru was running with a person in his arm. It was you. You were bleeding so much. I actually thought... you were dead. I wanted to cry. I do care about you." Tenten had a somewhat sad tone.

I had rolled my eyes and smiled. So I sat up and looked at Tenten.
"Still an airhead. When are you and Neji going to date? I think its cute." I teased. Tenten blushed and started to flail.
"I- No No! I DONT- ahhh.." Tenten gave up trying to explain. I laughed to myself. "Ten. Thanks. I needed that." I said. Tenten looks at me and sighs with a smile.

"TENTENNNNNN!!!" Lee was coming after Tenten. "L-LEE?! WHAT-" Tenten was tackled by Lee. "YOU WEREN'T AT THE TRAINING GROUND! I THOUGHT SOMETHING WAS WRONG!!!" Lee yelled. Tenten moved her mouth asking for help. I noticed it.

"Hey Lee. Tenten been crying. You should hug her." I lied with a smirk. Tenten gives me this glare. Lee hugged Tenten with tears.

"TEMARI WAS JUST MESSING AROUND I AM FINE!! WOULD YOU LET GO OF MY BREAST?!!?!??" Tenten yelled. "I thought you don't have any.." Lee was confused. I died out laughing.

"Aww come on. I can tell she has it. Its flat but its there." I said wiping my tears after laughing.

"You guys better not be causing any problems" Shikamaru said. He was here to visit. Tenten looks at me with a smirk. I was curious what she was going to do.

"Shikamaru, Temari says she doesn't feel to good. She thinks she might have a fever." Tenten lied. Shikamaru walked over to me and checked my forehead. His hands was so warm but cold.

"You seem to be fine. Maybe it got too hot in here." Shikamaru said. Suddenly Tenten "accidentally" bumped into Shikamaru. He tries to not fall on me. Which he didn't but his face was so close our nose were touching. He had his hand on the wall to prevent him falling on top of me.

"Oops! Sorry about that." Tenten smiled at me. Shikamaru was in a awkward position and his hand slipped and his head fell on my breast. Tenten was shocked. She laughed nervously and backed away. Knowing that things was going to get messy.

"S-S-S-SHIKAMARU!!!!" I Yelled. Shikamaru quickly got off of me and he started to have a nosebleed. He bowed down so many times apologizing to me.

I couldn't stay mad at him and ended up laughing. "Pfft. Who knew you would get a nosebleed from my breast. I didn't think you liked those things." I teased.

"N-no! It was unexpected!" Shikamaru stuttered. I raised my eyebrow.
"................okay maybe I like it but that doesn't matter! Blame Tenten!" Shikamaru admitted.
"Oi shush I'm trying to make you guys closer!" Tenten said.
"Good lord" I sighed. It was getting stuffy and I was going to feel sick if I didn't get any cool air, so I took off my mask and took a deep breath. I will admit, it was hard to breathe. Probably because I ended up stabbing one of my lungs.

"T-Temari you shouldn't just take it off randomly!" Shikamaru said.
"Relax relax, I'm putting it back on. I needed cool air. It was getting really stuffy." I said as I putted back on the mask. Relocating the short tubes.

"S-still.." Shikamaru sighed. Lee was very confused. He then grabbed Tenten and dragged her away.
"H- LEE?!" Tenten yelled.

"Aannnd off she goes. Getting kidnapped by the boys again." I said.
"Hey Temari? What do you want for dinner..?" Shikamaru asked me. I looked at him. Then I thought about it.

"Kenchin Jiru..?" I asked. (Vegetable Soup)
"Alright. Ill be back." Shikamaru waved. Then he left. Sakura watched Shikamaru leave.

Was he going to get me that?

"What were you two doing?" Sakura smiled. "Just chatting" I replied.
"How much longer do I have to stay here." I said as I stretched my arms and hand.

"One more week and you will be out."  Sakura said. I groaned. She then grabbed a chair and pulled it up and sat on it.

"I will be asking you some questions. Please do tell me the truth." Sakura said as she grabbed a pen. I sometimes forget she is a medical ninja. I would expect her to be loud and punching everyone... but she is serious when working.
Sakura asked me these questions every 2 days. Its like a check up report. To see how I'm doing and making sure I recover the correct way.

"Does any spot hurts?" Sakura asked.
"Only my chest." I said. She wrote that down. "Make sense."

"Are you feeling dizzy or fatigue or sick?" Sakura asked.
"Mostly fatigue. I'm doing fine otherwise." I said. I been sleeping a lot lately.
"Mm okay. Are you still struggling to breathe normally?" Sakura asked.
I did take off my mask but for only a moment. I didn't know if I was going to struggle breathing.

"I'm not quite sure." I said. Sakura then carefully took off my mask.
"How do you feel?" She said. I tried again taking a deep breath, this time I coughed instead. My lungs were hurting. Making me have a hard time breathing. Sakura noticed and putted it back on me.

"Not so well still." Sakura said. I sighed.

"Thank you for answering. You gotten better so far, last report you said you felt nauseous and splitting headache, now you only have fatigue which is okay." Sakura said.

"Thank you Sakura. You such a good medical ninja." I said."Thank you..." Sakura felt flattered.

"I'm backkk" Shikamaru arrived with a bowl covered in foil. He then moved the bed table to me and served me the soup and chopsticks. I took off the foil. It was the soup I wanted.

"Wait you didn't have to do this. Thank you so much!" I haven't had this in ages. I was really excited and ended up burning my tongue. I blew on it cooling down the soup. I then ate it. I squealed with happiness.

"I never see you this happy, which I think when you do, its really adorable." Shikamaru said. I looked at him with my full mouth. I swallowed it and blushed.

"When you flirt or blush, it's cute." I said. I wasn't going to let him make me all flustered.

"I'll leave you couples alone." Sakura then left.


Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now