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Temari woke up. The sun shined through the window. She had remembered what had happened and started to cry. She then heard a knock.  Temari got up and opened the door. It was Gaara and Kankuro. She hugged them sobbing.

"Is Shikamaru okay?" Temari cried.

"He is. Right now he is resting. Sakura wanted us to tell you this." Kankuro smiled. Temari felt relieved. She still hugged them.

"Did Doku hurt you...?" Gaara asked.

"He only punched me two times. That's it. I did injured myself though." Temari said.

"Where?!" Kankuro said. Temari showed them her wrist. It had blisters all around.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Kankuro said as he grabbed the bandages from his bag and had Temari sit on the couch.

"Because I can live with it. Shikamaru was dying back there." Temari said. Kankuro wrapped bandages around her hand and wrist.

"After what had happened. I am now staying here. I'll make sure to protect you!" Kankuro said.

"Protect me outside. I'm not feeding you two everyday." Temari said. Kankuro sighed.

"Oh Kami... I think my sickness is coming back..." Temari held her mouth. She then ran to the bathroom. Kankuro almost gagged. Gaara sighed.

"How the hell does Shikamaru deal with this." Kankuro said. Gaara shrugged.

"We should stay here until Shikamaru returns..." Gaara said. Kankuro nodded.

"You deal with that and I'll just. Ask Sakura how to uh... take care of a pregnant woman." Kankuro then ran off. Gaara went in the bathroom.

"Sakura!" Kankuro yelled. Sakura looks at him.

"I have a question for you. How the hell do you take care of a pregnant woman?!" Kankuro said. Sakura sighed.

"I am currently busy. Go have Ino help you." Sakura said. Kankuro sighed. He then ran to the flower shop.

"Huh- oh hey. What's up?" Ino said.

"How do you take care of a pregnant woman?" Kankuro asked.

"I'll come over with you but the best thing you can do is be there for her in case she needs anything." Ino said. They both arrived back to see that Gaara has it under control. He covered Temari with a blanket as she watched T.V. trying to get over her nauseous.

"The hell? How are you dealing with this?!" Kankuro yelled.

"I just stayed by her side and did stuff what I think is best for her." Gaara said.

"....... Nevermind that. I brought the flower girl." Kankuro said.

"Ino." Ino corrected Kankuro. She sighed and checked on Temari.

"Doing alright?" Ino asked.

"Not really..." Temari groaned.

"Kay. Do you want a hot bottle?" Ino asked. Temari nodded.

"Can one of you either cook?" Ino asked as she gave the bottle to Kankuro.

"I can!" Kankuro said.

"Last time you cooked. You set the house on fire." Gaara said.

"Urk..." Kankuro sighed.

"Kami..." Ino sighed. She sat on the floor leaning on the couch and watched TV with Temari.

"Er..  Temari? Do you want...uh... Anything?" Kankuro asked.

"No thanks..." Temari mumbled. Kankuro groaned.

"Kankuro...?" Temari mumbled.

"Huh..? Yeah?" Kankuro said.

"I met a puppet user the other day.... she was really nice. She is one year younger than you. Apparently she is struggling with using puppets. You should help her out. Her name is Koi." Temari said.

".... Okay... why are you telling me this..?" Kankuro asked.

"Because you are lonely." Temari said. Kankuro sighed.

"Fine... I'll go talk to her..." Kankuro said. He left the home and headed to the training ground. He saw her. She had a short blonde hair. With brown onyx eyes. Kankuro was speechless.

"Hm.. is someone there?" Koi said.

"U-Uh yes. I'm Kankuro. I heard that your a puppet User... too." Kankuro walked up to her.

"Oh I heard about you! Your Sister was telling me about how cool you are. Your such a good brother to her." Koi smiled.

"E-Eh? Well..  Thank you." Kankuro felt flattered.

"Please help me. I'm struggling with controlling my puppet. I can't make it move faster. It's like when I want it to do something... its delayed." Koi begged.

"Have you tried controlling your Chakra? That can be the problem. It could also be your Chakra wires. If your not using it right, it makes things go delay." Kankuro said. The two practiced. Kankuro was falling in love. Koi was too.

"I want Shikkkaaaaa" Temari cried.

"I know I know. He is coming home today... Please for the love of kami... calm down." Ino said.

"Is she okay...? Temari never whines or cry over something like this.." Gaara said.

"Again pregnancy." Ino said. Then they heard the door open. Temari sat up and saw Shikamaru. She quickly got off and hugged Shikamaru sobbing. Shikamaru hugged back.

"Thank god you're okay." Shikamaru said.

"Wh- Baka! You were dying!" Temari yelled.

"I just saw you explode! I thought died!" Shikamaru said.

"Gomen..." Temari said. Hugging him tightly.

"This moment is too precious..." Ino said.

"I am home. Don't worry." Shikamaru said. They then kissed lips to lips. Kankuro then returned to see that his sister is currently kissing Shikamaru. Kankuro didn't do anything this time. He got over it.

"Oh Kankuro. How was it?" Temari said.

"Uh... Let's just say... she was willing to go on a date with me..." Kankuro blushed a bit.

"Finally!" Temari hugged Kankuro.

"So your 4 month pregnant.... 5 more month till its September... Now I'm nervous for you Temari" Ino said.



Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now