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Everyone was safe. Kemono won't harm anyone anymore. The beasts has been eliminated and Konoha was safe. I was outside sitting on the bench. I watched the leaves fall. It was Autumn. I had my scarf on. I was planning to clean my fan. It was covered in sand and dirt. I went to a nearby lake and I pulled out the cloth and got it wet. I then rubbed off the dirt off my fan. It took me a while but now my fan was sparkly clean. I smiled. I decided to take a walk around the Konoha Park Forest. It was so pretty. In Sand Village.. Season doesn't exist. There are no trees that changes colors, There are no lakes for rains... there is no grass for flowers.. but in Konoha.. they have all of it. Leaves fall as I walked. I was feeling happy. I felt good inside. I walked with a smile. I been thinking about moving here. Although Gaara was going to be the Kazekage soon. I was really happy but then that means I have a reason to go home... I thought about it. I made up my mind. I'm staying here. Kankuro can watch Gaara for me. In the meantime I can continue my goal to reach Jonin. I then saw someone walking on the same path I was on. It was Shikamaru. It looked like he was enjoying the view as well. I ran to him. He notices me and waves. I smiled. I looked into his eyes. 

"Hey Shika? I made up my mind. I'm going to stay here." I said. Shikamaru was really happy. He smiled and hugged me. I didn't expect him hugging me. 

"I thought hugging was a drag for you." I teased. Shikamaru jerked back and pushed my shoulder back gently. I giggled. 

"I thought giggling was for little girls. Right Miss So Serious Lady?" He teased. I pulled his cheeks. "Oh shush. Come on. We are walking together!" I said as I held Shikamaru's arm. 

"So how's your shoulder doing?" I asked. "Better." He said. "That's good." I said. Shikamaru looked at me and blushed. I noticed he was blushing. I was curious why he was blushing. Was he planning something? He stopped walking and looked at my eyes. 

"Temari.. um.." He scratched the back of his head. My heart was racing. I was nervous what he was going to say. 
"Do.. You want to go out for dinner..?" He asked. I blushed. I then smiled. "Of course!" I said. Shikamaru smiled. We leaned closer. About to kiss until I heard some whispering. 

"Quick pushing." Ino whispered.

"I can't see.." Tenten whispered.

"Dinner? I want to go.." Choji whispered.

"what is happening..?" Naruto whispered.

"This is indeed love..." Sai whispered. 

"If only.." Hinata blushed. 

"Shush all of you. They will hear us." Sakura said. 

"Gasp.. I think they are about to kiss" Ino whispered.

"What is happening!!!" Naruto yelled.

"SHHHHH!" Everyone said.

"Sorry..." Naruto apologized. 

"crap... I think they heard us." Sakura whispered. 

It was my friends. They hid in the bush. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my fan. I opened it and put it in front of me and Shikamaru. They couldn't see us at all now. I grabbed Shikamaru's shirt and pulled him close. I then kissed him. We kissed for a while then stopped. I closed up my fan and continued walking with Shikamaru. I could hear our friends groaning and arguing. 

It was lunch time and the girls saw me. 

"So what will you wear?" Ino asked. I swallowed my food. 

"What I'm wearing right now..?" I said. Sakura looks at me. "You need a dress.." Tenten said. "I have a dress that didn't fit me. You can try it on maybe?" Hinata said. The girls nodded and they dragged me into Hinata's home. 

I tried on the dress. I did like the way it looked. Funny enough it looks like my regular outfit. I undo my pig tails except the top ones. I was happy with the result.

I walked out and the girls gasped

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I walked out and the girls gasped. They loved how I looked. 

"So will this work?" I asked. "Oh it will. You look so pretty in it!" Sakura said.

"thank you!" I smiled. I then glared at them. "I better not catch you guys spying on us." Ino laughed nervously. Sakura looked away disappointed. Hinata nodded. Tenten sighed. 

"Thank you all." I said. 


I arrived at Shikamaru's home. I was waiting for him. He finally came out and saw me. I saw him blush. He was staring at me in disbelief. 

"Y-You look so pretty.." Shikamaru was amazed. I blushed. "thank..you.." I said it quietly. He chuckled and held out his hand. I grabbed his hand and we started to walk to the restaurant. It was kinda awkward. We didn't know what to talk about. 

"S-so...Uh.... mm... " Shikamaru took a deep breath. "So you got any plans this week?" He asked. I thought about it. "No. Why do you ask?" I was curious. 
"mmm... well...you will see.." Shikamaru laughed nervously. I raised my eyebrow. 


Shikamaru pulled the chair for me. I sat down. The place was really pretty. I looked at the menu. They had my favorite soup! I was really excited. Shikamaru never tried the soup before so he ordered the same I got. 

"Ah trying something new?" I said. He nodded. 

"You know.. I am so glad I met you. You really made me happy." Shikamaru said. I smiled. The food was here. I was about to dig in till I noticed Shikamaru doing something. He was praying. I thought about it, I joined in praying. 

"You don't pray do you?" Shikamaru asked. "No.. I don't" I said. I was worried Shikamaru would be upset about that. 

"I pray because I'm giving thanks. Its what papa did. You should pray. Your letting your loved ones know you are doing well." Shikamaru explained. "Lets try again together." He grabbed my hands and closed them. He and I prayed. I was happy that he was okay with it. After that I grabbed my chopsticks and ate my food. It was so good. I felt like I was on Cloud Nine. Shikamaru tried it and I could see his face lighting up. He enjoyed it. 

"This is really good. I can see why you like this." He said. I smiled. After finishing the soup. I drink it. Its good. I lifted up the bowl and drank it. Until the waitress accidentally bumped into my head. Making me drop my bowl and It splashed all over on me. 
"ah-Ah! I'm so sorry!" The waitress apologized. I was so embarrassed, I didn't want to stay, too many eyes on me. I got up and left the restaurant. 

"T-Temari?" Shikamaru got up. He payed for the soups and ran out to me. I was close to crying. It was really embarrassing. Shikamari grabbed my shoulder. I looked at him. 
"You alright?" Shikamaru asked. I nodded. I was hiding my tears. It was nightime so it was really cold outside. I sneezed. Shikamaru took off his coat and gave it to me. It was warm and soft. I looked at him. He smiled. 

"Aritago.." I said. I cuddled up in his coat. "Why don't we go to the bathhouse?" Shikamaru asked. I nodded. We went to Shikamaru's home first. I grabbed my new clothes I bought few days ago. We then headed to the bathhouse. 

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now