▪︎Search With Fear▪︎

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Konoha Forest

Temari's POV

We arrived where the fight was. There was a lot of destruction. I looked around for any sight of him. Nothing. I did see a trail of the ground crushed. I told everyone about it and we all ran following the trail. Eventually we arrived a cliff.

"Look!" Ino pointed. There was a kunai on the cliff walls. I pulled out my fan and jumped on it. We all got on it and glide down to the bottom. Once we landed, We all looked around.

"He was trying to lure it away from Konoha. It had great speed." Choji said. I went ahead and followed. I noticed there had been a rock fall. It looked like he escaped though. I climbed over the rocks. Once I got over, I gasped. The forest had a clear view of a trail with fallen trees. Ino made up and noticed it. Choji was unsure.

He has to be okay.. Right?

I went ahead again. I was suddenly stopped by Ino. She grabbed my arm.

"Wait. Be careful. It could be still lurking around. It would be bad if we ran into it. We have to be careful. " Ino said and let go of me. We then entered cautiously. I was praying that Shikamaru wasn't harmed.

But something tells me... He is...

The beast held on unconscious Shikamaru. Then a figure appeared. It was an Atasuki member. A new one so far. He then tied Shikamaru restraining him. As they were going to leave, Ino, Choji, and I had arrived.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?!" I yelled. Then I noticed Shikamaru. My blood was boiling. I pulled out my fan.

"Let go of him you bastard." I said with a pissed voice. Ino and Choji were ready to fight as well.

"Ah you want him back? Your going to have to get through them first." The person said. He jumped away. 3 more of the strong appeared.

"GO GET HIM TEMARI!!!!" Ino yelled. She and Choji were going hold them off. I nodded and ran after the Atasuki member. I used my fan and swung it. Creating a huge gust almost destroying everything in its path. He dodged and then stopped.

"You must be killed

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"You must be killed. I would like to watch you die." He said. The beast appeared. It swung its arm at me. I blocked it with my fan. I then showed the first star. I attacked again. It didn't seem to affect it at all. I dodged again. I leaned back and the arm swung in front of my face. I then showed the second the star. I swung it at the ground, making a somewhat short sand storm. It screeched and used a lighting release. It almost hit me but I was quick enough to dodge it.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now