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Temari's POV

When we arrived, I went inside the female only room. Nobody was here. I had it to myself. Which was nice. I took off my yucky dress and tied my hair up. I cleaned myself then. Grabbing the sponge and rubbing against my skin with soap. I then rinsed myself. I was feeling sore and stiff so I decided to use the hot tub. I then got in the hot bath. It felt really nice. The hot water getting rid of soreness and losing up my muscles. It was perfect. Sand Villages didn't have something like this. I rested my head against the sides. Covering my face with a warm cloth. I closed my eyes as I relaxed. Not knowing that I was falling asleep.

Shikamaru's POV

I was in the hot tub wondering what to do with Temari. Maybe movies..? Dates..? I wondered. It had been almost an hour. I decided to get out. I didn't want to stay in too long. I wrapped the towel around my waist. I grabbed my clothes. I dried myself and put on my clothes. I was curious if Temari was getting out anytime soon. I walked out the men's room. I sat at the bench waiting for Temari to come out.

15 minutes later...

Its been a hour and 15 minutes. Its not good to stay in a hot tub any longer then 45 minutes. I began to worry. I knocked on the door.

"Hey Temari? You good? We should get going." I said. No response. I was going to regret what I was about to do. I covered my face and I walked in the room. I noticed Temari was relaxing. She had a cloth on her face.

"H-Hey Temari..?" I said. She didn't respond. I heard panting instead. I slowly took off the cloth from her face. Her expression didn't look relaxed. I shook her shoulder. She woke up.

"G-Gah?! Wh- Shika?!!!" Temari covered her chest blushing. "Its dangerous to fall asleep in a hot tub.." I sighed. I was looking away. "I-Ill leave. Do you want me to grab you a towel?" I asked. She nodded. I gave her some towels and then left.

A few minutes later...

Temari finally comes out. She had her hair still down.

"Was it relaxing?" I asked. She nodded. She had discomforting expression.

Nara's Home

We walked back to my home. When we arrived at my porch, I noticed she was holding her forehead. Slightly wobbling. She tripped on her own foot and it look like she was going to give up. I grabbed her. She was panting so much. I checked her forehead. She was burning up.

"Troublesome woman.. You gave yourself a fever..." I sighed. I carried Temari inside and lay her on the couch. I grabbed a blanket and covered her up. I soak the cloth in cold water and lay it on her forehead.

"..Thank you...Sorry..." Temari said. "Its alright. You were probably exhausted." I said. Temari was already asleep. I watch her sleep. She was so cute when she sleeps. I had remember when I was checking on Temari. I may have looked at her breast. I couldn't help it and wonder how the hell is it floating..? It was quite good looki- wait what am I saying!?

I ignored what I said and I carried Temari to my room and we slept together...

"Oh Shikamaru?" Temari called out my name.
"Hm..?" I looked at her eyes. She crawls to me.
"I want to play with you~" Temari cooed. I jerked back in shock. What did she just say?!

"N-N-Nani!?" I yelled. Temari shushed me. "Shh... We don't want anyone hearing us... right?" Temari softy said. She leaned over to my neck. I could feel her breathing into my neck.

"Play with me... You can do whatever you want to me~" Temari said. I was blushing so much. She was getting undress.

"I want you to- BRR BRR BRR BRR" Huh..?

I woke up to the stupid alarm. I threw the alarm into the wall. I had realized it was dream. I blushed. How could I dream of Temari getting all flirty.

Great.. Now I'm horny. This is a drag....

I looked over to Temari who was still sleeping peacefully. I wanted to kiss her so badly but I knew that was a horrible idea. I should wait when her fever is gone. Speaking of fever.. I need to change her cloth. I grabbed a new wet cloth for Temari. She woke up.

"Ah.. Sorry. You can go back to sleep." I said. She smiled. I don't often see Temari smiling. She is very snappy at others, but now I think she has changed. It was cute.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now