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Temari was now 7 month pregnant. Her belly was a lot larger. She was doing really well with all of these new symptoms. Shikamaru woke up to heard that Temari was talking. Was someone here... he thought. No. She was just talking to their child.

"I can't wait for you to come out... We are going to have so much fun together... playing... dinner... watching you grow... I'm just so excited..." Temari softly spoke as she rubbed her baby bump. Shikamaru smiled and walked over to her.

"Hey Tem. How is the baby doing...?" Shikamaru asked.

"Why don't you touch it and find out for yourself?" Temari smiled. Shikamaru then puts his head on the belly. He then felt a slight kick.

"It moved..." Shikamaru never felt this happy. Temari chuckled.

"Its hasn't been very active though. It must have inherited your laziness." Temari laughed.

"It'll be a drag then." Shikamaru chuckled. The two kissed.

"2 more months... Kami... its getting closer and closer..." Temari said.

"Yeah. It went by quick." Shikamaru noticed.

Knock Knock Knock

"Who is it?" Temari asked.

"I'll get the door." Shikamaru got up and walked to the door. He opened it too see that it was Ino, Sai Choji, Gaara and Kankuro. They all came over to visit.

"Oh Hey. Come on in." Shikamaru invited.

"Hi Tem!" Ino hugged Temari.

"What brings you all here?" Temari asked.

"We all wanted to visit!" Ino said as he sat next to Temari.

"What's he doing here...?" Kankuro pointed at Sai.

"Hello. I'm Sai. And you are..." Sai stared at Kankuro.

"Kankuro... I'm Temari's brother-" Kankuro said.

"Doll." Sai said.

"EHHHH?!?!?" Kankuro yelled. Temari laughed.

"I wonder what gender it will be!" Ino said.

"Have you thought of any names?" Choji asked. Temari thought about it.

"I'm not really sure. Shikamaru and I haven't talked about it." Temari said.

"We need to go shopping and buy some baby stuff!" Ino said. Temari nodded happily.

"I wonder what it will look like? It'll definitely have spikey hair." Kankuro said.

"I hope it's a girl! I can imagine a little Temari!" Ino said.

"Maybe it'll get Gaara's hair by gene?" Shikamaru added. Gaara stared.

"That'll be cool." Temari said. She then  smiled brightly.

9 month pregnant...

Yep. It was the month Temari waited for. She mostly stayed in bed. She was often tired, sore, and annoying back pains. Temari sometimes groans at times.

Shikamaru was on errands. Temari got up from the bed to go get some tea. She then felt a slight pain in her stomach. Her head rested on the counter with her arms. She felt her legs dripping. She had wondered if she accidentally spilt her tea. Temari look up and her cup was still there. She looked down. The liquid was clear. It kept dripping. Her eyes widen when she realized what had happened. Her water had just broke, but there was no contractions. Not a single pain was felt. She was worried. Temari had hoped that Shikamaru was going to be here soon. She wasn't ready to give birth alone. Temari carefully walked to the nearest thing she can lay on. Which was the couch.

"Oh not now... don't come out yet... wait till daddy is home..." Temari said. She layed down. Her back pain was getting worse. Finally she heard the door open.

"I'm home." Shikamaru said. He then saw Temari on the couch.

"H-Hey... Shika..." Temari said. Shikamaru walked up to her.

"Is something wrong?" Shikamaru asked.

"I-I... I think my water broke..." Temari said. Shikamaru began panicking.

"Oh shit. Really?! Oh kami. I-I'll get the bag! A-And I'll take you to the hospital!" Shikamaru scurried around trying to get everything.

"Ngh... ah....." Temari winced. Shikamaru then used his shadow to carry the bag. He then picked up Temari and left home to head to the Hospital.

"Yep. Her water broke. She isn't have contractions yet. Now we play the waiting game. Temari would you like me to massage your back?" Sakura asked. Temari nodded. She had Temari sit on a special chair and started massaging Temari's back.

"Oh kami... that feels good..." Temari could feel her muscles relaxing.

"Are you thirsty?" Shikamaru asked. Temari nodded again. He had grabbed a bottle and gave it to Temari.

"Arigato all of you..." Temari mumbled. Her expression was filled with pain.

"Kami... this is going to be a long day..." Shikamaru sighed.

"Don't worry though. When it happens... we will be there for her. Temari will do great." Sakura said.

"I hope so..." Shikamaru was concerned.

"Ngh...mmm..." Temari groaned. Shikamaru was extremely nervous and excited. So was Temari.

2 Days Later....


Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now