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Temari was in the bed just sleeping. It was only 12:17 A.M. She rolled and tussle around. Not being able to sleep. She was having contractions, but it continued getting worse. Temari held her belly as she curled up. She started groaning, getting louder at times. Eventually she couldn't hold in her voice and let out a scream. Shikamaru was startled and woke up. He quickly ran to Temari.

"Tem?!" Shikamaru yelled. He then quickly ran out to get Sakura. Eventually they returned and prepared stuff. Shikamaru grabbed Temari's hand.

"Your going to be okay." Shikamaru repeated. Temari groaned loudly. She was in so much pain.

"You need to breathe and Push. That's all you have to do." Sakura said as she puts on her gloves and masks. She spread Temari's legs.

"Temari push now." Sakura said. Temari let out a scream as she pushed. Tears fell down her cheeks. Her grip tighten. Shikamaru kept telling Temari she will be okay. She is doing great.

"NGGGAHHHHHH!!!!" Temari screamed. She hated this. Pains were unbearable. She wanted this to be over.

"Your doing great. Keep going!" Sakura said. Temari pushed. And pushed. And so on.

Eventually the moment came.

"One more push! I can see the head!" Sakura said. Temari was all hot and sweaty. She pushed the final time, letting out the loudest scream. She then gasped. Temari then finally successfully gave birth.

"Its a boy!" Sakura said.

Sakura quickly moved the baby to Temari's chest. The baby cried loudly. Sakura cut off the cord, cleaned the baby, then wrapped it with towel. Temari was so exhausted but she was so happy. She panted as she gently puts her hands on the baby's back.

"You did it... kami... You did it..." Shikamaru was so close to crying. Temari began sobbing with tears. Eventually the baby stopped crying. It was sleeping soundly on Temari chest. She carefully picked up the baby and held it in her arms.

"He.... is so handsome..." Temari softly said. Temari then looked at Shikamaru.

"I want you to name him..." Temari smiled. Shikamaru looks at Temari in disbelief. He then looks at his son.

"Shikadai." Shikamaru said.

"Perfect..." Temari said. Then Shikadai eyes opened.

"He has your eyes..." Shikamaru said. It had made Temari cry even more. She gently caressing it.

"Arigato Shikamaru..." Temari softly spoke. Shikamaru couldn't hold it in. He cried a bit.

"Welcome to the world Shikadai Nara..." Temari said.

Few days later... The Nara family was now allowed to go home. Temari held Shikadai in her arms making sure he is warm since the weather was cold. They had returned home and Shikadai's room was already all set up. Temari gently puts Shikadai in his crib. She refused to leave the room. Temari was worried that if she left the room, something bad was going to happen. She kept an eye on him. Eventually dozing off. Shikamaru did the same.

5 weeks later...

"Don't knock to loudly." Someone whispered.

"I know I know..." Someone whispered.

knock.... knock...

Temari opened the door with messy hair and baggy eyes. She yawned.

"Oh...Heeey..... Come....on in..." Temari mumbled. Kankuro, Gaara, and Ino came inside.

"You look tired. Tough isn't it?" Ino said. Temari nodded.

"Where is Shikamaru?" Ino noticed he wasn't in the room.

"Sleeping. We had a long night last night. The baby would not sleep." Temari said as she sipped on coffee.

"Can I see the baby?" Kankuro was excited. Temari nodded.

"You all can sit on the couch. I need you to be quiet. I'll bring it." Temari said. Everyone did what they said. Temari then came out with Shikadai. Ino gasped slightly.

"Meet... Our new son Shikadai." Temari said. She then gave him to Kankuro.

"W-Wait I don't kno-" Kankuro was then hushed by Temari. She helped him hold Shikadai correctly. When he got it, he stared at Shikadai who was sleeping soundly in his arm.

"How does it feel to be uncles..?" Temari smiled.

"A-Amazing..." Kankuro smiled.

"Gaara...? Do you want to hold him?" Temari asked. Gaara was unsure. Temari then took Shikadai and gave it to Gaara. He was nervous that something bad was going to happen. Till he noticed Shikadai's eyes opened. He immediately fell in love. He started crying without realizing. Kankuro and Temari were shocked.

"I'll protect you with all my cost..." Gaara said. When Temari gave Shikadai to Ino. She started bawling. She was so happy.

(Srry short Chapter)

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now