▪︎Fight Till End▪︎

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Sand Village

"Big bro..?" Gaara looked at Kankuro.
"Hm?" He looks.
"Can we go see big sis now? I want to see her again." Gaara asked. Kankuro smiled.
"Sure why not. Just give a second." Kankuro said as he was going to pack his stuff. Gaara waited outside.

"Alright lets go." Kankuro and Gaara set off to Konoha to visit Temari. Little did they know, something bad was going to happen.

Konoha Border

"Finally we are in Konoha!" Kankuro said as he stretched.
"Something doesn't feel right.." Gaara said. Kankuro looks at Gaara.
"What do you mean..?" Kankuro was curious. Gaara was unsure.
"Nevermind it. Let's just continue." Gaara went ahead. Kankuro sighed.

Konoha Entrance

"We made it! Huh.. is that. Yep its Naruto!" Kankuro said. Naruto noticed Gaara and came running at him and gave him a hug.

"Welcome back! What brings you here Gaara?" Naruto asked.
"We are here to visit Temari." Gaara smiled.
"Ah... That probably isn't a good idea.." Naruto sighed. Kankuro and Gaara looked at each other.
"Why is that?" Kankuro asked.
"Shikamaru and his teamates had been kidnapped and Temari couldn't save them." Naruto said.

Suddenly a beast appeared. It was now in Konoha. It charged at Gaara. His sand made a wall protecting Kankuro and Naruto. It punched the sand away and hit Gaara away.

"GAARA!" Kankuro yelled. He summoned his puppets and used them as distraction. Naruto ran at Gaara who was hurt.

"GAARA?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Naruto yelled.
"I'm fine." Gaara wobbly got up. Naruto was tackled by a beast.
"GAH!" Naruto yelled.

Temari's POV

"What do we do..?" I asked.
"Well we are going to save them aren't we?" Sakura said.
"We can use our tea-"
"GAARA!!!" I heard someone say that. My heart went up. I grabbed my fan and rushed to that scream. Once I arrived I saw Gaara on the ground struggling to get up. Naruto was getting thrown around. Kankuro's puppets were getting destroyed.

My blood was boiling hot. I felt angry. Who dares to harm my precious family. I opened my fan and it showed 3 stars.

"WIND STYLE: SEA DRAGON!!!!" I screamed

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"WIND STYLE: SEA DRAGON!!!!" I screamed. I swung my fan and the tornadoes trapped the beasts. I ran to Gaara who has cuts.

"What are guys doing here!?" I yelled.
"We came to see you!" Kankuro yelled.
"We misse- GAHHHH!!!" Kankuro yelled. The beast had captured Kankuro. I screamed his name.

"LET GO OF HIM YOU BASTARD!" I screamed. I wasn't going to let someone hurt my brothers. I used Wind Release and it blew it away. Dropping Kankuro. I panted.

They eventually retreated.

"Are you alright?!" I checked my brothers. I hugged them sobbing.
"Baka... you scared me." I whispered.
"Sorry. We are okay. Thank you sis." Gaara smiled.

Sakura rushed to Gaara and began to heal his wounds. Hinata checked on Naruto.

"What are they?" Kankuro asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. But they took away team 10." I said.

"Can we help you get them back?" Gaara asked. Sakura looked at me wondering what I was going to say. I sighed.
"Sure if you promise me that you will be careful." I said with a serious voice. They nodded. I smiled and hugged them again.

"Shall we go then..?" Naruto asked. I nodded. All of the teams left Konoha to go search for Team 10.

Shikamaru's POV

"Ng...gh....h..." I woke up and my head hurted. I was tied up and I was struggling to break free. I looked around and noticed Ino and Choji was tied up as well. They haven't woke up.

"CHO! INO!" I yelled. Ino woke up scared. Choji was confused.
"Wha- Shika! Are you okay?!" Ino yelled. I nodded. We were in a small empty room.

The Atasuki member comes inside.


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"Good. Your awake. I was getting bored of waiting. You must be Shikamaru Nara. I am Kemono.." He talked. I stayed quiet.
"Ah... Miss Yamanaka... so beautiful." He walked up to Ino. He then played with her hair.

"Don't touch her. You will regret it." I threatened.
"Aww is she your girlfriend...? How adorable.." He teased. Ino bit his hands.
"GAH! YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He slapped Ino's face and grabbed her face.

"DON'T HURT HER!" I yelled

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"DON'T HURT HER!" I yelled. I kept squirming trying to break free. I could see tears but Ino had a pissed face.

"You... will be my princess... you will love me. So get used this. Ill be using the boys as a trade. I want Konoha. I'm sure your precious friends wants you back. I'll be keeping Ino..." He said. Ino jerked back her head. She then kicked him even if her legs were tied.

Ino... your making it worse....

"Seems like you need discipline...Enjoy watching this.." Kemono grabbed Ino's hair and pulled her. He was dragging her and threw her into the wall. He then stepped on her neck.

"STOP! LEAVE HER ALLOW!!!" I screamed. Kemono ignored and grabbed her neck. He shoved her into the wall.

"You will obey me. Disobey me, and you will get disciplined. It will be worse then this. Remember this." He let go of Ino who was gasping.

"I must get going. I have to do things.. enjoy while it last.." Kemono left.

"Ino! Are you okay!?" I yelled. Ino nodded her head no. She was scared. There was nothing I could do. I was pissed.

"That bastard... " I said. I wonder about Temari.
"They will come for us.." I told Ino.

"They have to..." I sighed.

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now