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1 month old Shikadai...

Shikadai cried. It was early in the morning. Temari and Shikamaru all just wanted a break and get sleep. It was exhausting to be a parent. Temari picked up Shikadai.

"Kami... please shhh.... your okay... can papa and mama get some sleep?" Temari hushed Shikadai. He stilled kept crying. Temari sighed. She sat on the bed with Shikadai and tried her best to calm him down. It was 3 A.M and she was extremely exhausted. Shikamaru woke up and saw Temari.

"Having a hard time?" Shikamaru asked. Temari nodded.

"Let me try." Shikamaru then carried Shikadai. It had made him cry even louder.

"Kami... I'll feed it..." Temari mumbled. She then started breastfeeding Shikadai. He was hungry.

"Oh... I understand it now... so that's what he means..." Temari mumbled. Shikamaru was confused.

"For some reason... as a mother... its like I can understand Shikadai... what he wants..." Temari said.

"I guess... that makes sense....? Well I'm going back to bed..." Shikamaru yawned as he got back on his side. Temari sighed.

"You make us crazy..." Temari chuckled. After a while, Shikadai then fell asleep. Temari puts him to bed. She then also went to bed.

4 hours later...

Shikadai cried again. Its 7 A.M. Temari sighed and picked up Shikadai and decided to get ready for the day. She puts Shikadai on the smaller rocking crib in the living room.

"Mommy will be right back..." Temari said. She poured some coffee in her mug and made herself some breakfast. She then sat by the crib rocking Shikadai to sleep while drinking her coffee. She tried her best to not accidentally fall asleep. When Shikadai finally fell asleep, Temari got up to go do laundry till she felt lightheaded. Her vision blurred. She had suddenly fainted and created a loud thud. Making Shikadai cry. Shikamaru was woken by the thud and quickly ran to the living room to see that Temari was on the ground not moving.

"T-Tem?!" Shikamaru quickly checked the baby. Shikadai was fine, just startled. Then Shikamaru got on his knees and grabbed Temari's body. Her head drooped.

"H-Hey... babe... wake up... what happened..." Shikamaru shook Temari gently. Shikamaru then picked up her and layed her on the couch. Shikamaru carried the baby and ran outside. He had ran into Ino.

"S-Shikamaru? Did something happen?" Ino was concerned.

"Yeah. Temari just suddenly fainted. I need you to watch him. If you can, please find Kankuro and Gaara." Shikamaru asked. Ino nodded and took Shikadai. Shikamaru then ran off to go get Sakura. Ino looked at Shikadai who was about to cry.

"What am I too you...? Aunt? I do consider Shikamaru as a brother..." Ino said. She smiled as she carried him close. Ino then walked back to the Nara's home. Shikadai then cried. Ino grabbed the baby milk powder and made warm milk. She then fed it to Shikadai. Ino saw Temari on the couch. She kept an eye on both of them. Then Shikamaru returns with Sakura.

Sakura inspected Temari and checked her tempature. She then grabbed a flashlight and checked Temari's eyes and mouth. Sakura checked Temari's heartbeat and breathing.

"So far everything seems to be fine. Has she been getting enough sleep?" Sakura asked.

"No not really. Shikadai wakes up a lot at night and cries. Temari isn't getting the sleep she needs." Shikamaru said.

"Then she fainted from exhaustion. Let her just rest. You should have your friends babysit Shikadai at times. I'm sure Hinata would love to do that." Sakura said. Shikamaru sighed in relief.

"Ino can you watch him...? We desperately need a break." Shikamaru begged. Ino nodded. Shikamaru then carried Temari to bed.

"I want a kid now..." Ino said.

"I don't know... it really seems hard... but it does seem worth it..." Sakura said. Shikadai then fell asleep.

(Again... Short chapter... I am running out of ideas with Baby Shikadai. Should I continue the story with Shikadai slowly growing up? I'll need ideas to make this interesting. Ty!)

Temari's LonelinessWhere stories live. Discover now