Howler (C)

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The great hall was as busy as always and I was in the middle of chatting with Daphne about the next Hogsmead weekend when a commotion broke out. I followed everyone's eyes and smiled - it was mail day.

I catched my post from the owl that brought it to me and started sorting through it. I had gotten a letter from my father, as usual, the daily prophet and-

My eyes widened as I registered what the large and heavy red envelope in my hand was. As I did so unfortunately so did others.

''KIM'S GOT A HOWLER!'' Pansy Parkison practically screamed, causing the heads of the Slytherin students to turn to me.

I hastily stood, hoping to open it in private, when the howler suddenly burst open in my hand. I sat back down as it came up flying to the level of my face.

It began screaming at me and I recognized the voice of my grandmother. To my luck as well as my misery she was yelling at me in chinese. Pansy Parkison scowled that she couldn't understand what it was saying but she seemed amused nonetheless. I was stuck between the shouter of my grandmother and the fact that by now the entire great hall was watching me.

''Why is grandma so pissed at yo-'' I heard my brother call but he stopped in his tracks when my grandmother finally announced the reason for her anger.

I froze in place as I registered her words, my eyes blown wide. The letter finally tore itself up and I just kept staring at the spot where it had been floating, unmoving.

''SO WHAT WAS IT, KIM?'' I heard Pansy's voice call out distantly in my head but I couldn't focus on it.

''Lia are you okay?'' Daphne asked me, reaching across from the table to gently squeeze my shoulder.

My large eyes went to her and I could only manage to shake my head. A bowl near us broke and Daphne awkwardly retreated her hand and looked at me in concern.

I don't know for how long I sat there, still and in shock. Finally a warm hand reached over my shoulder and I blinked at it, turning around to see my boyfriend squatting in front of me to be at eye level with me.

''Are you okay?'' he asked, his honey eyes looking through me.

As I saw him blood came rushing back to my body and I felt my face twist.

''I think I'm going to throw up,'' I declared as I pushed myself up from the table.

''Wait what-'' Cedric began but I shook my head and grabbed his wrist before hastily leaving the great hall, dragging him with me. I walked and walked until we landed in an empty hallway and I let go of his wrist.

''What's going on, love?'' he asked. My eyes snapped to his face and I felt my throat close off.

''This is bad. So bad. I can't even begin to-...I mean it's just so..I don't think..I...I don't think I can breathe?'' I stumbled as I felt my breath getting cut short after each phrase. My hand flew to my stomach as I felt a twisting pain and I began to walk in circles.

''I mean...why would this...she can't just..'' I mumbled on, my hands now going through my hair.

''Do you need me to hold you? What's going on?'' Cedric asked, helplessly reaching his arms out.

''Please don't touch me,'' I begged, already feeling like everything around me was closing in on me.

''Okay,'' Cedric just said softly, coming to stand in front of me with a safe distance between us. He was really nice for that but I couldn't appreciate it in that moment.

''Hey are you guys alright?'' I heard a voice ask and I turned my head to see my brother jogging up to us.

''I'm not sure,'' Cedric mumbled, looking at me in concern.

''Can someone please tell me what's going on?'' he finally asked and I looked up to him.

''My grandmother found out about us,'' I whispered frightfully.

Cedric looked at me and then to Johnny, quirking an eyebrow.

''So?'' he asked and I gasped at him.

''SO? SO?'' I repeated.

''It's bad, dude,'' Johnny said while a smile reached across his face.

''Why are you smiling then?'' Cedric asked and I glared at Johnny.

''She's going to kill you, man,'' he explained with the happiest face ever. I took a step forward and punched his arm, causing him to yelp.

''OW! What? I told you I'm not going to kill Cedric for dating you but I wouldn't mind Grandma doing it for me,'' he said, awfully smug. Cedric and I both sneered at him before turning to look at each other.

''Why would she though? Wait, how did she even find out?'' he asked.

I inhaled and tried to sort my thoughts.

''Rita Skeeter wrote an article about the second task and how close we were. She said I switched champions and my grandmother was more than upset about-''

'' Her promiscuous and scandalous behavior! 'Don't you know that you're dragging the entire family name through the mud? You are NOT to be engaged in such frivolous affairs until you are married to a suitable chinese heir!' '' Johnny quoted, using a heavy fake accent with his words.

''She wants you to get an arranged marriage?'' Cedric asked in shock.

''Don't worry my Dad already said no to that but that's not the point,'' I whined, stomping my feet like a child. I felt like one in this moment, my grandmother's lecture still ringing in my ears.

''She wants to meet you,'' I finally said. Cedric seemed like he didn't know what to make of that statement, like it wasn't the most frightening news he ever heard, and I groaned.

''Cedric this is bad! My Grandmother? Not a very nice woman. I mean, sure I love her and all that jazz but she is old. You get it? She's old money, old values, old everything!'' I explained, grabbing his collar and tugging on it so the words would reach him.

My maniac of a boyfriend tried to suppress a smile and gently grabbed my hands to stop me from damaging his robe.

''It's going to be alright,'' Cedric said gently with that calming and reassuring voice of his. Johnny and I both scoffed,

''It's not,'' we said at the same time.

''Come on, it'll be alright! I may not be an chinese heir but I'm a pureblood and school champion. That's gotta count for something, doesn't it?'' he asked. I sighed, close to losing all hope.

''She wants to come for the third and final task. It'll be an international event anyways,'' Johnny explained.

''See? It's going to be fine,'' Cedric smiled, his arms coming around my frame. I looked up to him with a pout on my face.

''How on earth will it be fine?'' I whined. Cedric's smile widened before he spoke up again,

''I'll just win the tournament and show your grandmother what a great guy I am,'' he said before kissing the tip of my nose.

I sighed and let my forehead fall against his chest, enjoying the warmth his hug gave me.

''Yeah,'' my brother suddenly spoke up, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he interfered with our moment.

''I can't wait until old granny eats you alive,'' he deadpanned, looking at us with disgust before turning on his heels and walking away.

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