Chapter 8

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Your POV

I stood up in anger. "You heard me." He said.

"That's not gonna happen." I said.

"I can get lawyers involved." He said crossing his arms.

I stood there in shock. "Just get out. If you don't have a problem that you need a doctor for, get out!" I yelled.

"This isn't over."

"It is for now." He put his hands up in surrender and left.

I couldn't focus all day.

Why on earth would Dallas Winston want custody?

I spent 6 YEARS raising him and he did nothing. And I carried him in my stomach for almost a year, was made fun of, shamed, and hurt because of it.


I wanted to die right then in there.

God dammit, Dallas.

I finished my day and I picked Haden up and went home.

We weren't talking like normally. I was pretty vague at first and Haden got the hint I wasn't in a talking mood.

We got home and the gang was in Dallas' backyard. Haden got his backpack and we started walking inside.

"Ready to talk about it yet?" Dallas asked coming up behind me.

I rolled my eyes. "Haden, go inside or around back."


"NOW!" I yelled.

He groaned and went out back. I started screaming at Dallas. "I've gone through hell and back to be where I am today and this is what I get? You wanted nothing to do with me 7 years ago. Why the sudden change? I could have easily made you pay child support BUT I DIDN'T!"

"That's your fault." He said.

"Dallas, I swear to God." I said taking a deep breath. "If you DARE send a lawyer to my house, you aren't gonna be happy. You did NOTHING to raise him. I did. Like I said, I got the shitty part of all of this. You did absolutely nothing but sit on your lazy ass."

"Why are you so mad? He's my child too."

"No he's not! You've done absolutely NOTHING that a father is supposed to do! You did the complete opposite and walked out of the picture!"

"You left first!"


Dallas and I kept arguing and arguing and I. Was. Mad.

Johnny's POV

I walked over to Haden. "Your mom can be really scary when she's mad." I said trying to make conversation.

"I rarely see her yell. She never yells at me. Ever."

"Ever?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Sorry about yesterday..." He said trailing off.

"It's ok, kid. Don't worry about it. We didn't mean to scare ya."

He stayed silent and kept looking at [Y/N] and Dallas. "I don't like when she yells. That's why she never does it." He said.

I found that hard to believe. She was in fights all the time when we first met. She never was calm about anything when we were together. But that was almost 8 years ago, I guess.

Your POV

I must have argued with Dallas for at least a good hour. But finally, he wanted this to be over.

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