Chapter 4

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Your POV

I went inside and I sat at the kitchen table. Someone must have hand delivered it because it didn't have any address on it. I opened it up.

Hey. It's been a year since you left and nothing's really been the same. You must have been really mad to say the things you said to Johnny. He was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. But last month, he was cured of both and him and Dal are friends now. Well... maybe not friends... more of just 'not enemies.' But I really hope you're doing well. It was really unexpected when you just disappeared. Johnny told me what happened and I was shocked to believe you would do something like that. I knew your personality but I didn't know you would go that far. But the past is in the past and I know you have your own life now. I miss you. I hope to see you soon.
-Ponyboy Curtis

I was in shock to read the note.

How did he find me?

I was so tired that I could barely get my thoughts straight.

So I went to bed.

I didn't even think about how this affected Ponyboy or the rest of the gang. Only Johnny and Dally.

Ponyboy and I hung out all the time, because we were the only ones who actually went to school. Well, I guess. That story's kinda complicated.

Steve went too but he had his own friends. Johnny and I hung out too, but Ponyboy didn't make it easy. Dallas never bothered to show up.

This made me realize I really messed up. More of a realization than Ive been having.

But I just had to put these memories away and go to bed.

*Six Years Later*

Not much happened after that. I never heard from the gang again. But I ended up quitting my job and going to college. I got to spend more time with Haden and I still worked.

When he got to school, I started my job as a receptionist for a hospital. I never knew what happened to Liam. He kinda just disappeared.

But I finished college and I don't wanna continue my education further.

I drop Haden off at school and go to work. It pays enough to get us through life and then I pick him up and we go home. And I wouldn't change it for anything.

Or so I thought...

It was Friday and I was so ready to go home. It's been a long day. Just really boring and nobody to talk to.

But I was about to pick up Haden and my boss came up to me. "Hi, [Y/N]." He said politely.

"Hi." I said back. "What's up?"

"So I know you don't have a lot of time right now so I decided to give you the weekend to think about it. But I want to offer you a new job in our other location up north. Before you say anything, it would be same hours. Monday through Friday from 9-3 and then you would get weekends off. The only perk is that it's almost the same job, but if a nurse needs you, you can help her. It pays a sufficient more, too."

I stood there in shock. "Oh my God! Yes! That would be awesome! I don't even need the weekend to think about it. It's perfect."

"That's great! Do you think that you can move up there by the end of the month?" I thought for a second. I have to sell my house, find a new house, find Haden a new school, and- Wait... I don't even know where this is. I'm getting ahead of myself.

"I'm gonna probably need two months." It's the first; so, it's gonna be a good amount easier to keep my dates straight. I can do it.

"Perfect. Also, you don't need this job anymore. I'll send you a paycheck for the next 8 weeks and then you will start working."

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