Chapter 29

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Your POV

No no no no no no no! I'm a month early! This can't be happening! No!

I frantically panicked and ran to the bathroom and quietly as I could. I tried to stop it but I had to get to the hospital.


I ran downstairs and called the only person I thought I could trust.


I waited and waited and someone finally picked up. "Hello?" She asked groggily.

"Loretta?" I asked.

"[Y/N] Why are you awake so early?" She asked.

"I need help." I whispered.

"Are you ok?" I sighed.

"No. I can't-" I groaned. "Help me please."

"What's going on?" "I can't explain over the phone. But I need to go to the hospital."

"The hospital?" She asked.

"Yes. Please." I whispered.

"Where's Johnny?"

"Loretta, please. If you ever cared about me for one second, I just need you to help me. Johnny and Haden are sleeping and I need help." I groaned.

"Here. I'll get my car. Meet me outside. Alright?"

I swallowed. "Thank you." I took off everything I used to hide the pregnancy and opened the door quickly and ran outside to her garage. She was waiting outside.

"Are you- WOAH!" She said.

"I know. It looks bad. But it hurts. I can't drive myself. Please." I begged.

"Here. Get in." She said.

"Shit, I'm out of gas." She said as we were about 5 minutes away.

We didn't go to the one Lexi and I worked at because it was much farther. "Just hurry." I drawled.

"Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. "Alright. I'll be right back. Do you need anything?" I shook my head.

Johnny's POV

I was sleeping and I heard the phone ringing. "[Y/N]." I mumbled. "Someone's calling." I said.

I opened my eyes and nobody was there. I looked around and nobody was there, actually even though the bathroom lights were on.

There was something wet all over our bathroom floor. I went downstairs and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked.


"Yeah. Who is this?" I asked looking around.

"It's Loretta. I'm with [Y/N]. Listen to me carefully. We're at the gas station 5 minutes away from the hospital. You need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Ok?"

"What? Why?" I asked.

"It's [Y/N]. Ok. Just hurry. I don't have a lot of time. She thinks I'm buying gas but I needed to tell you."

"Is she ok?" I asked.

"Umm... she will be." She said.

"What does that mean?"

"I-I can't tell you."

"Why not?" I asked.

"It's not my place."

"Shit..." I mumbled. "What about Haden?"

"Drop him off at my house James knows I'm with [Y/N] right now. She's gonna get suspicious if I take too long and she's gonna hurt herself if she knows I called you."

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