Chapter 33

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Your POV

"Well... that's my cousin."

"You're his cousin?" I asked.

"[Y/N]! What are you doing here?" Liam asked.

"Oh, zip it. I live here."

"Wait, you're the girl who cheated on Johnny?"

"I told you!" I said turning around.

"Hey! You're that guy who beat me up!" Liam said pointing at Dallas.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Dallas said dumbly.

"Well this is a mess." I said.

"Wait, do you still have Haden?" Kassie asked.

"Uhh... yes." I said.

"How have you been?" Liam asked.

"Is this your boyfriend?" I asked Kassie. She nodded.

"Dang. I'm sorry. Blink twice if you need help."

"Oh, I'm ok. I love him." I gagged. "I'm gonna go out. I'll be back tonight. Johnny, watch Haden and Olivia."

"Wait is this your house?" Kassie asked.


"I love it."

"Thanks...?" I asked with a disgusted tone.

"SHE'S JUST BEING NICE!" Johnny called out as I slammed the door.

I started to walk instead of drive. I needed to get exercise anyway.

I decided to go to the one place I never thought I'd ever go again.

East Tulsa.

I walked through the woods and nothing changed.

It was weird.

I saw my old house...

I felt myself tense up.

I wonder who lives there now. I knew the woods lead right into my backyard and I still saw my dads stuff inside.

They still live there.

I quickly got out of there and I ran towards the center of East Tulsa. I walked and as I turned the corner, I hit someone's arm. "Watch it." I said rudely.

I kinda forgot where I was for a second because the people here are aggressive. "Umm... you ran into me." He said turning around.

"Wanna bet?" I asked.

"You looking for a fight?" He asked.

We were face to face and he was a lot taller than me, but it didn't scare me at all. He was with someone else but I didn't see very much of him.

Then, we both froze.

We both realized who each other were at the same time. "Dylan?" I asked.

"[Y/N]! What are you doing back here?" He asked.

I stood there in shock. "[Y/N]?" The other guy asked.

I looked over. I could never forget the chocolate brown hair with deep brown eyes.

Brent Waters.

"Oh no. No. This was a bad idea. I need to get home." I said shoving past them.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Hello? Did you not just hear? Home."

"I thought you ran away." Brent said.

"How would you know that?" I asked.

"Ponyboy told me. On our first day back in school, I asked where you were and Dallas and Johnny both got mad and bolted out of the classroom. Ponyboy then had to explain what happened." I stood there dumbfounded. "I knew your personality, but that was low." Brent said.

"You wanna know what's 'low?'" I yelled. "Raping someone because there dad offered you $500!" I screamed.

"Shh." He said.

"NO! You're a PSYCHO!"

"What are you talking about?" Dylan asked.

"Oh. He probably said I hated him because we got a D on a math assignment." I said with a tint of sarcasm.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said.

"Whatever. Brent. You win. I don't care anymore."

"I'll confess." He said as I walked away.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

"I'll tell the police if you want. I'll admit it. It was a horrible thing to do. Especially for money. I'll turn me and your dad in." He seemed actually sincere.

"Brent, I don't care if you do or not. All I ever wanted was an apology. Yes, I was mad, but at the end of the day, it was done. I mean, it didn't last very long. Nothing horrible happened to me. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry. I really am. I know you hate me and I hate myself for doing it. I hope one day we can be friends again."

I gave him a small smile. "Thanks." I said.

"Wait, I'd like an explanation." Dylan said.

"I thought you were in California." I said stopping him.

"You were right. I hated it." I laughed.

"Of course I was." I said with a hair flip.

"So how have you been? Why are you back?" Brent asked.

"Well, I got a job promotion and it was here. Now, I have two kids and I'm in a relationship."

"Really? That's great!" I nodded.

"Who's the guy? Do we know him?" Dylan asked.

"Umm... how about we head back to my house. I'll explain everything."

We started walking back and dang... I missed them.

I missed how it was before Dylan left.

We were walking up to the house and we were laughing like crazy. I almost threw up it was that fun to be with them again.

"Is she back already?" I heard Dallas say.

I opened the door and Darry asked, "Who are you laughing with."

I quickly stopped and said, "Well, I went to East Tulsa and..."

"I'M BACK!" Brent yelled.

"Hey man!" Dallas said.

"So is this Brent Waters?" Liam asked.

I ignored him. "Yeah." Soda answered.

"So you forgive him but not me?" I rolled my eyes.

"He gave me a real apology."

"Look, I'm sorry." Liam said cutting me off.

"I said a real apology." He stayed silent.

But the day went by and Kassie actually doesn't hate me. I certainly did not expect the day to end like this. But everyone went home and Kassie and Liam slept in the spare room.

I have a lot more rooms than neccessary in this house. I woke up early and made everyone breakfast. I heard someone come downstairs.

"Hey." It was Liam. I ignored him. "Still waking up early, I see." He said quietly. "You're right. I owe you a real apology. I shouldn't have tried to do everything I did to you. We were friends. I just wanted to help you and I got carried away." He said.

It sounded sincere. "Thanks." I said with a grin.

And now, I've officially fixed every friendship I've had.

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