Chapter 15

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Your POV

The room was silenced with Ponyboy and Johnny arguing. "WHAT ABOUT [Y/N]!?" Ponyboy shouted.

"What about her?"


"She has a boyfriend!"

"I know! It's bad enough already!"

"Hey!" I snapped.

"I've waiting six years for her to come back and get together with you. Don't ruin this for me."

"It's my life."

"It's my decision!" Ponyboy retaliated.

"Actually, it's not." Johnny said with confusion.

"Do we know her?" Dallas asked.

"I'm not sure. You might." Johnny said. I hate this already and they don't even know.

"Well, when can we meet her?" Darry asked.

"Whenever you want." Johnny replied.

"How about tonight?" Lexi asked.

"We can celebrate our engagement and then we can meet the two."

"Two?" I asked.

"I wanna meet your boyfriend."

I laughed. "No." I said with a fake smile.

"Why not?" Loretta asked.

"It's because he's not real." Ponyboy said.

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too." I cut him off and continued. "Why would I have hickeys if I didn't? And if I remember, I wasn't gonna tell you."

"Fine." He mumbled.

"So how do your guys is significant others feel about living together?" Soda asked.

"Well, they shouldn't have to worry about it because I'll be moving in with her tonight."

"Is that why [Y/N]'s in a bad mood?" Dallas asked.

I glared at him. "I am not in a bad mood."

"Are too."

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at Ponyboy.

"Ok. Calm down everyone." I ended up getting to angry and leaving, slamming the door behind me. Five minutes later, Johnny came inside and asked what it was all about.

I knew why I got so defensive... I'm sure you do too. But nobody else knows. "I don't wanna do this." I snapped standing up.

"Do what?"

"I don't wanna tell them."

"Why not?" He asked.

"I just don't. Ok?"

"No. You've avoided this question for so long. I wanna know."

I sighed. "Because I don't want them to try and talk you out of it." I mumbled.

"Why would they do that?"

"Johnny, I'm sure at some point they hated me more than you did. Ok? I know for a fact they won't be too happy to know you're back with me because of what I did to you."

"Did you not just hear Ponyboy said in there? He's pissed because he thinks I'm not with you."

"What about Dallas?"

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