Chapter 34

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Your POV - *Four Years Later*

Johnny and I were sitting at home all by ourselves.

Haden is 11 and Olivia is 4 and they're both in school.

Alexander and Haden somehow get closer everyday. I got the day off today because they're doing renovations and didn't need me for the week.

Lexi and Hayley got married to Soda and Steve and Hayley finally got the kids she wanted. First time being pregnant, Hayley had twins. Steve was just as shocked as she was but the two different kinds of shock. But they love them.

Kassie and Liam live in Oklahoma City and I still talk to Brent and Dylan who live in East Tulsa. And of course, the gang too.

Ponyboy found a girl and so did Dallas. Two-Bit has been on a few dates but not a bunch.

"It's really weird being by ourselves." Johnny said.

I laughed. "Yeah. It is." I said.

"Want to go out to eat for lunch? Or I can make something here." I said.

I got up and went over to the fridge. "I'm fine with anything." Johnny said.

"I kinda want spaghetti, but I don't wanna make it." I said more to myself than him. "Oh, what the heck."

I started boiling water and Johnny came over. "So... I don't really know how to say this but... umm... I love you..." He started stuttering.

"I sure hope you do." I said with a laugh.

"Alright. I'm just gonna say it. Will you marry me?" He asked.

I dropped the box of spaghetti in the boiling water. "WHAT?!" I said with excitement." He laughed. "YES! OH MY GOD!" I screamed.

"Well that was easy." He said.

I couldn't stop smiling. I hugged him and put the ring on.

Your POV - 4 Months Later

I was still in shock that I was engaged. I mean, never did I ever think this would happen to me. It almost stressed me out.

But the moments of joy quickly came to an end because this whole thing was gonna take a lot to plan.

This is the part I was dreading.

When we told everyone, Darry said he'd help. But this whole thing stressed me out anyway. What if something  goes wrong? I dunno. I'm getting an uneasy feeling about this.

Loretta wanted to go dress shopping with me. I said yes, of course.

But then Emma, Lexi, and Hayley all insisted on coming.

Then Darry and Ponyboy wanted to go too. I didn't really care.

We drove to the shop and Lexi, Hayley, and Emma all ran around looking for the best dresses.

"Hello! How can I help you?" The girl working there asked.

"I'm just looking for a wedding dress." I said.

"Anything specific?" She asked.

"Just nothing too big and poofy." I said with a grin.

She smiled. "Alright. I recommend going towards the back of the shop."

"Thank you." Loretta and I said at the same time. We walked to the back and I heard Lexi go up to the girl.

"Is she free to try on any of the dresses?" She nodded. "Perfect!" Emma ran up to me.

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