Chapter 5

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Your POV

I dropped Haden off and then I went home to finish unpacking. The day couldn't go by any slower. I really wanted to know if he was ok.

But the day did come to an end and I went to pick him up.

Johnny's POV

Dal and I haven't really spoken since our run in with [Y/N]. We went back to the Curtis' and everyone was confused as to why we were back so early.

We didn't say anything.

They'd find out soon enough.

Pony kept asking if we were ok and we just nodded.

It was awkward but I really did just want to talk to her.

Your POV

I went to Haden's school and picked him up. "Haden, your mom is here." Ms. Leith said.

I smiled. "I don't wanna go!" He said to her.

She laughed. I pretended to be shocked but I was smiling because I was super happy he liked it.

"Alexander, your mom is here." Ms. Leith said.

"My mom's here." The kid next to Haden said. "Let's have a playdate!"

"I'll ask my mama!" Haden came up to me and hugged me.

"I take it you like it?" I asked. He nodded.

"Can I hang out with Alexander?" I looked over at the other kid.

"Don't invite yourself over to other people's houses." I said.

"I didn't! He said I could!" Haden responded with.

"I think that's up to his mother." There was a girl next to me.

"Hi. I'm Alexander's mom, Loretta."

"Hi, I'm [Y/N]."

"Did I hear you say you were 23?" My smile faded.

She didn't look that old.

"It's ok. I'm 24."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I was..." She looked at Haden and Alexander. "Raped..." She mouthed.

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. I am happily married now. I had a boyfriend when it happened and he stayed with me through the entire thing."

"Oh that's amazing. My story's a little different..." I mumbled.

"It's ok. You don't have to say."

"Ahh. Thank you. But I will definitely keep in contact. I'm sure Haden will be all over this playdate thing for the next week."

She laughed. "So will Alexander." I smiled.

"Well, we better get going. Nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand.

She shook it. "You too."

We got in the car and all the way home, Haden talked about how amazing it was and I couldn't be happier.

But the next day went by in a flash this time. I knew Haden was having fun and I wasn't as worried anymore.

At least not as much as I was yesterday.

But I get to start my job tomorrow and I'm gonna make it great.

It can't be too hard, I just have to do the same thing I did in Texas except help nurses sometimes because of my very low degree in nursing.

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