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Julianas POV
Stephanie  and Jonathan were my foster parents , but they were horrible , my biological parents died in a car crash when I was 5 years old and since then I moved from foster  home to foster  home, they have been abusing me since I was a child , mentally and physically - the systems FUCKED up I tell you
I quickly grabbed my bag , brushed my teeth and  hair ,and tried my best to cover up my bruises - I tried to sneak out the house not wanting to make any noise - but It never works - Jonathan purposely walked over to me and spilt his food " LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO , STUPID ASSHOLE ." He punched me so hard that I fell to the floor and kicked me in my rib , I groaned in pain as he walked off " Ha that should teach you a lesson ." He said - I walked out the house and scurried off to work  - I couldn't take this anymore -
Corey's POV
" I-I-I'm sorry sir , I w-was having problems with getting money but I'm g-getting paid t-t-tomorrow I can give it to you then ."
"You have 24 hours left , if you don't pay me then I'll  kill you ."
"Okay ." He quickly scurried off
" What a pussy ." I laughed
"Corey your a savage ." Callum said - he was one of my best  friends  we basically grew up together , and we were like brothers
" what do you expect from a gang leader ." I laughed
"Let's go get something to eat , bro ."
"Yeah sure  ." I replied walking to my lambo
Julianas POV
- I worked in a cafe not far from home ,I glanced at the clock and my shift started in five minutes, I quickly tied my hair back into a ponytail and wrapped my apron around my waist ,but not to tight because of my injury ." They've done it again haven't they ?" April asked and I nodded - she was my manager but was like a big sister to me "Promise me if they lay hands on you , go to the police ." She begged " yeah ." I lied , I couldn't the police wouldn't do anything anyway
- A group of men walked into the cafe as soon as my shift started so I went to serve them -
Corey's POV
Me and my guys sat at a table waiting for a waitress - the most beautiful, sexiest girl had walked up to us , she had brown/amber  eyes and wore glasses, her black hair was tied up into a ponytail that made her look so cute and her lips were rosey pink they looked so soft ,and her skin was so tanned she looked mixed-" Hi can I take your order ,please ." She smiled
" yeah could I have a cheeseburger."
"Yeah and is that all ?"
"Yes ." As she walked off Callum wolf whistled making her turn with a smile on her face -
"Damn I wonder how good she is in bed." Oliver said
-"she's mine Oliver."
"Boss you haven't even claimed her."
"Would just shut the fuck up?"
She came out the staff kitchen with my order and was walking up towards me until some kid bumped into her making her fall , she tried to get up but looked in pain - like she injured or something - My manly instincts made me help her up "Are you okay miss?"
"Juliana...Thank you ."
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." A grin appeared on her face as I helped her up-
She had drinks spilt all over her apron and ran to the bathroom - I couldn't help but follow her - as I walked in - she lifted up her top , and there was this big purple bruise on her side , she broke into tears - she stopped immediately when she saw me " Who did that to you ?"
No answer -I walked up to her
"I'm talking to you."
"It's none of your business!!"

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