Hes so annyoing

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Julianas POV
-A few weeks later -
(Flashback in Spain)-
"Pull her head out"
Santiago walked over to me and slid his hand underneath my dress -"you belong to me novia."
"No I'll never be with you." He striked my face making my head turn to the right and walked out -Leaving me on my own as tears continued flowing down my cheeks-
Flashback ended-
"wake up what's wrong ?"-
I didn't realise I was crying-
"I had a n-nightmare."
"About what?"
"I don't want to talk about it -"
"It's okay."
Corey's POV
I hated it when my princess cried
" can you not skip work today?"
"well I can but I don't want to."
"Just for one day?"
" I've only been back a few weeks,if I take a day off I'm likely to get fired."
"Why didn't you just do maternity leave?"
"Because it's not really a permanent job."
Who even works when there pregnant?
"I'm taking you out on a date."
"I can't tell you it's a surprise ."
"Okay,I'll try finish a little earlier today."
"Okay let's go have breakfast ."
She got off me and walked into the bathroom -I shortly followed after, and brushed my teeth -
Sneakily I put my hands around her waist and lifted her up making her legs go around my torso -
"Corey, what are you-"
I immediately cut her off and claimed her lips she ruffled my hair and pulled back .
"Rey , have you ever thought about dying your hair?"
"Because ,I won't look like a Gang leader."
"Okay can I try plaiting your hair?"
"No." I snapped back at her
"Okay." She frowned
She's such a big baby
"Why are you upset ?"
"I'm not upset ." She said now with a little attitude in her voice , but I chose to ignore it
She put her head on my neck and kissed it -
I felt something beneath me go hard-
" what's that?"
"You did that ."
-she started laughing at me
"It's not funny."
I moved my hands and pinched her cheek
"Can you actually stop doing that."
"It's not my fault it's- "
"Put me down."
"No can do ."
I threw her over my shoulder and ran downstairs,I could feel her hands pounding my back ,making me chuckle-
"Your making me sick stop"
"I know you are ."
"So put me down ,or I won't talk to you for a week."
"You wouldn't do that ."
"Watch me ."
I finally put her down and she walked passed me
"So that's it your not going to talk to me?"
"I'm going to have a shower ."
Julianas POV
Since April was replaced we have a new manager and I don't like him at all , he gave all the girls a new dress code to wear and it was very uncomfortable-
I Got to work on time for once and was working as usual-
The door bell rang and I turned to see Corey and his friends walking in -
"What are you doing here?" I said rushing towards him
"I was just passing by and I felt hungry-"
"Hey Adrien,hi Jacob."
"Hey." They both said in unison
"Okay sit down I'll be with yall in a minutes."
After serving a few customers I went over to  table number 7-
"Ok what do yall wanna eat?"
"I'll have a cheeseburger and fries please." Adrien said
"Okay and what about you Jacob?"
"I'll get a chicken sandwich with fries and a coke please."
"Okay and what do you want baby?"
"I'll have just a hamburger."
"Anything else?"
As I turned around he slipped a 100$ bill into my back pocket and lightly tapped my left cheek
"Babe what are you doing?"
"I gave you a tip." He winked
"Baby this is not the time to flirt ."
"I like seeing you work."
"Boss is whipped ."
"Shut up Jacob."
"I'll go get your orders ."
I came back out with their orders and handed it to them one by one
"Here you go."
"Thanks baby."
"No problem guys."
"Baby come sit down."
"No I can't my boss will-"
"I don't care." He said pulling me by my waist so I could sit on his lap
"Why is your skirt so short." He asked tugging it down a little bit
"My New manager ,wanted everyone to wear this ."
"I don't like it."
"Neither do I ."
10 minutes later
Jacob was actually a nice person once you got know him
He was very funny and Aiden was very dumb he didn't even know his 3 times tables .
"Juliana!" My boss shouted
"Shit." I mumbled
I got off Corey's lap and walked towards him
"What are you doing ? Your supposed to be working !"
"I was-"
"Not flirting with the customers ...your lucky your the only one here today otherwise I would have fired you . Get back to work."
"Yes sir."  I walked behind the counter and people paid for their orders -
I wiped the tables as usual and swept the floor to still find Corey sitting there
"What are you still doing here?"
"Does your boss normally treat you like that? "
"What happened to April?"
"she's been replaced ."
"Want me to talk to him?"
"No don't bother-"
"I'll be back in a minute."
"Corey what are you-"
He completely ignored me and walked up to him
"Don't ever talk to her like that again."
"Or what-"
He punched him and I stood there in annoyance ,
I'm definitely gonna be fired
"My nose."  Gary yelled
"Corey, now he's going to fire me."
"It was a bit funny ."
"I'll be back." I gulped
I ran to the bathroom not knowing he followed me -
"Are you sure you don't wanna go home?"
"I don't wanna be here anymore."
"Okay Let's go."
We both walked out the bathroom until Gary stopped me.
"And where do you think your going ?"
I glanced at him and noticed his bloody nose
"I'm going home." I said walking past him
"Your going nowhere." He said grabbing my wrist
"Let go off me." I replied yanking my hand away from him aggressively
"If you go out that door , your fired-"
"You know what? I quit!" I yelled uniting my apron and throwing at him
"Wha-? Only I get to do that."
"This job is shit anyway."
"Come on let's go."
"Get back here now.!"
"Did you see his face?"
I laughed uncontrollably whilst her just stared at me weirdly
"What? Your the one that punched him ."
"Anyway,  what you wanna do ? We have the whole day to ourselves-"
"Where's Adrien and Jacob?"
"They went back to the warehouse ."
"So anything in mind ?"
"Okay can we get Chinese?"
"And then ,erm -"
"Actually wait , I'm taking you on that date."
"Where are we going ?"
"To London."
"London ? Are you serious ? I'm not going to England?"
"Have you ever been to England ?"
"I was born there ,but I grew up here , I already told you this."
"I'm just joking , I'm taking you to Ohio ."
"A three hour drive ?"
"There's this place I really want you to see you'll love it I promise ."
"How long are we staying there?"
"We'll come back tomorrow,just book a hotel."
"Okay but can we at least go home first ? I wanna change ."

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