Abused -part 2

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Juliana's POV
As soon as I got home , the house was quiet, I quickly hurried into the kitchen grabbed my essentials and ran out the kitchen, I looked to my right and saw Stephanie passed out on the couch , I sighed in relief, I tiptoed to the staircase and there I saw him - could my day get any worse?
I dropped everything and tried to run away- he grabbed my wrist and pulled himself close to me - I felt a fist hitting my side cheek and i groaned in pain , he kicked me in the same place as this morning and I fell to the ground- "Where do you think your going , you FAT SHIT!" He spat , he got on top of me and started ,slapping and punching me till I hard marks and cuts all over my face - WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS ?- I pushed him off of me ,ran towards my room and locked myself in. - I couldn't take this anymore-
Corey's POV
Weeks had gone by and I still couldn't get that girl out of my head , and it made me even more angrier that She wouldn't tell me who had been hitting her   -  Probably an ex or something
"Aiden !"
"Yes boss."
"She if you can find an address for a girl named Juliana."
"Boss ,there are plenty of girls with that name ."
"She works at Expresso express ."
(Picture above/swipe)
"Yes boss."
A few minutes later he walked back in with a file- "here boss."
Name:Juliana Martinez
Mother:Angeline Martinez/dead
Father:Carlos Martinez/Alive
Foster parents:Jonathan/Stephanie Warren (adopted)
Address:4798 Gandy St
Hair colour:dark brown
Eye colour:Amber/brown
The list went on and on but what caught my eye was her father -I'd heard rumours about him being one of the strongest Mafias in Spain-
I'll have to go to the cafe tomorrow
Julianas POV
The next morning-
When I woke up everything felt sore -my body couldn't handle all this abuse and I didn't know who to tell or call - I walked to my bathroom-did my buissness and brushed my teeth  -I wore a pair of tight blue jeans and a v neckline t-shirt -I had to apply full face makeup because I had bruises everywhere - once I'd finished, I looked at my clock -9:48 - I had 12 minutes to get to work-hopefully that guy didn't come today-I quickly placed my shoes on and ran out the house ,luckily Jonathan didn't see me-he was probably out sleeping with those whores
- once I arrived at the cafe my shift had just started ,I grabbed my apron from my table top and put my hair in a messy bun -I saw a man and woman walking in with their daughter and sitting at a table
-"Hey can I take your order please." The little girl  ran towards me and wanted  me to carry her  "what do you want ?" I asked booping her nose as she giggled "I want chocolate cake."
"Okay anything else ."
" could I get a coffee please . Should I pay near the counter Orr.."
"No don't bother ,it's on the house ." And she smiled back at me -I looked at the window and saw the same guy from a few weeks ago -I quickly put the girl down and went to get their order - after serving that cute couple I had no other choice but to do the same even though I was very reluctant to do so "can I take your order ?"
"Hey, is it okay if I talk to you ." He asked politely -he had such beautiful green eyes that you could stare at all day ,his hair was dark brown like mine and he was way taller-His skin looked so smooth ,he was much lighter -
"So Damn sexy-"
"What was that?" Oh shit-He heard me
Corey's POV
As I walked in the Cafe ,I noticed Juliana carrying a kid ,whilst serving someone,she looked at me and walked away,I waited a few minutes and she finally came up to me -"what do you want ?"
"Hey is it okay if I talk to you ." I asked politely and she nodded - I followed her into the back room and examined her from behind she had bruises and scratches all over her neck and face ,and the makeup she wore didn't help cover it-we both silently stared at each other for a few minutes and she looked scared of me -I didn't want her to feel that way -

" I'm sorry for the way I approached you last time I was here."
"I-it's O-Kay ."
" I was just concerned about what had happened because you had bruises and cuts all over your face ."
As i said this I placed a strand of hair behind her ear making her blush
" If I ...tell anyone... they ...could hurt me even more ,or you I don't want that to happen." She said in a sweet angelic voice
So it was more than one person who was hurting my princess-oh hell naw
"Who's they ?"
"M-m-my step parents." She stuttered as tears rolled down her face
" and did they give you that bruise ?"
"Yes ,just my stepdad ,he hits me more, my stepmom always makes fun of me..." She cried and I clenched my fist trying to stay calm ,she began walking away and I slowly pulled her back so I could hug her -she gripped on me tightly as possible and cried-
"How old are you ?"
"t-twenty." She mumbled
" ...did you try running away?"
"Yeah...but they always found me and it made the situation worse."
"Don't worry everything's going to be okay."
I pecked her cheek and let go i began walking away when i felt a tap on my back "Don't go ." She sniffed-I went back to her
"what's your name?"
"Corey ." I replied slowly putting my hands on her waist ,I felt asudden change in movement as she put her hands around my neck-so we were looking in each other's eyes
"Your very beautiful do you know that ?"
She chuckled in response-I liked it when she smiled "Anyway I've got to get back to my shift...I'll see you later?"
"Yeah sure." -I said letting her go of her hand
"But p-please don't tell anyone."
Hey guys I would advise you to listen to these songs with headphones - it hits differently - just my opinion 😊

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